Unable to add a Vietnamese visa card for using the ChatGPT API

When I try to add the Visa card, the system shows: “Your card has been declined.” What should I do now to be able to use the paid ChatGPT API service? Thank you.

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For account based problems please use the help.openai.com site and in this instance please check


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Similar issue. I can’t add a European mastercard…

  • Your card has been declined.

  • We are unable to authenticate your payment method. Please choose a different payment method and try again.

  • You’re making too many requests, please slow down.

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Me too, cannot add card from Vietnam. Don’t know why they refuse to take my money? :smiling_face_with_tear:

We have a similar problem with our country TAX-ID. It’s present on the countries list but it’s not possible to specify a tax-id. I’ve already asked many times to openai support but with no result. :frowning:

The answer is clear. Vietnam is not a supported country.


There are regulatory restrictions for US companies that may make particular nationals and countries difficult to transact with.

After struggling with this issue, I came up with a solution: leveraging my friend’s US company to obtain the card and pay for the API.

Then we go further by building a service to proxy the API for other developers in Vietnam who want to try the API without the payment hassle.

The service is still under development, so if you’re interested just reach out to me and we can discuss it further.

On the technical side, I have written a proxy and shared some details about it here: Create An OpenAI Proxy Server using Express and Https

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“Then we go further by building a service to proxy the API for other developers in Vietnam who want to try the API without the payment hassle.” im interested, how can i contact you?

Hi and welcome to the Developer Forum!

Attempting to provide users outside of the officially supported country list is a violation of both US law and the Terms of Service from OpenAI and will result in the suspension and removal of your accounts. Please do not try to circumvent the limitations.