I tried making my json file into the new assistant but it say this error
There was an error uploading the file appointments.json: Invalid file format. Supported formats: [‘c’, ‘cpp’, ‘csv’, ‘docx’, ‘html’, ‘java’, ‘json’, ‘md’, ‘pdf’, ‘php’, ‘pptx’, ‘py’, ‘rb’, ‘tex’, ‘txt’, ‘css’, ‘jpeg’, ‘jpg’, ‘js’, ‘gif’, ‘png’, ‘tar’, ‘ts’, ‘xlsx’, ‘xml’, ‘zip’]
but i tried making in a json file and a csv file both didn’t work
Ok, but what about a totally different file? I just uploaded a pdf and it was fine, then i tried an html and that was fine, so I’m trying to see if there is something specific in that file or if it’s with your account/upload environment.
When i make a different file it works i tryed another file with pdf format and it worked. The only stuff that is in my csv file i would like to use are just some dates i got from google calendar
I’m experiencing the error and have no idea what can it be. I tried with a simple json file and still getting the error
“products”: [
, {“name”:“table”,“price”:“5”}
, {“name”:“chair” ,“price”:“2”}
, {“name”:“mouse”,“price”:“0.5”}
, {“name”:“screen”,“price”:“5”}
If this helps, i tried uploading a json file that with less than 1kb size and it throws me the invalid file format error. Then i added items to the file until it’s was more than 1kb and the upload was successfully. But the i tried with this json file:
26bytes and it uploaded successfull.
So i don’t if this is the correct behavior but i’ll just upload 1kb+ json files
I got the same error on the assistant UI while uploading a simple JSON file.
Eventually I had to enclose the whole json in single quotes like ‘{“key”:“value”}’.
I was able to upload the file this way, but then when it was trying to load the file it had to fix the file.
The file appears to contain JSON data, but it starts with an extraneous single quote character. This is likely causing the JSON parser to fail. I will remove this character and then attempt to parse the JSON data again.