The web chat code box is not wide enough!

how to make code wider?
Please enjoy the following instructions that will tell you the few easy steps required:
Step 1: Install Custom CSS By Denis (I’m not allowed to post links lmao)
Step 2: Go to your extensions and pin the Custom CSS extension
Step 3: Go to: chat openai com
Step 4: CTRL+C:

  .text-base {
        max-width: 100% !important;
        padding-left: 20px !important;
        padding-right: 20px !important;

Step 5: Click the Custom CSS extension you pinned at step 2
Step 6: Grant permission
Step 7: CTRL+V

Enjoy being able to see the code!

Read this topic,

I am not a web developer. I see css code. Where do I paste it to remedy this problem?

You need to get an extension for your browser that performs CSS injection on a page. Several are listed in the thread. Each of them are different so you’ll need to figure out how to use the one you choose.

One solution I use is the “Wide GPT” chrome extension. Works great.

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