Switch to credit based subscription model / remove usage cap

I’m a Plus subscriber. Rarely use ChatGPT but keep an active subscription because I like GPT-4 and the additional features.

Every now and then, I encounter a situation where I want to use GPT-4, but just when I’m in the middle of it, I hit the usage cap. This is incredibly frustrating. Here I am, right in the middle of what I’m trying to do, with this $20/mo service, unable to do anything about it.

One argument for the cap might be that it prevents overuse, which would make sense, if I were pummeling GPT-4 every day. In reality, I’m doing the very opposite. At least 20 days out of a month, I don’t even touch ChatGPT. That should offset whatever overuse I might be concentrating in a moment of time, right? Obviously, there’s no mechanism for anything like that.

Why not then, instead of the fixed subscription model, use a credit based system, like with the API? That way, I buy $20 worth of service, I use $20 of it. If that doesn’t sound great because profit from people like me who buy the service but don’t put load on the systems is lost, fine, then why not make it so that with the $20 subscription, you get X credits per month (which expire) and can use them to depletion without any concentrated usage cap? Or add a markup to the credit price, idk. At least that way, when I need the service I’m paying for, it’ll actually be there.