I would like to make some suggestions to enhance ChatGPT and make it even more useful and efficient for users. I believe that implementing the following hidden commands could significantly improve the user experience:
Command to disable superfluous phrases: It would be helpful to have a command that disables repetitive apology and warning phrases, allowing for more concise and direct responses. This would reduce the amount of unnecessary text in the answers.
Command to activate objectivity mode: A command that enables ChatGPT to respond in an objective manner, based on evidence, data, and realistic information. This would be especially useful when conducting scientific analyses or seeking fact-based answers.
Command for flexible response formats: It would be interesting to have a command that facilitates formatting the results according to user preference. This could include options such as plain text, lists/bullet points, mind map structure, pros/cons analysis, explanatory framework, summary/synthesis, report-style, or exhaustive hypothesis exploration, among others. This would help organize and visualize information in a more suitable way for each context.
Thank you for considering these suggestions and for your ongoing work in improving ChatGPT. I am confident that these additions would provide an even more satisfying user experience, allowing for more direct, objective, and adaptable responses to various needs.
I would like very much you could enhance ChatGPT with a tagging feature, so it would be possible during a conversation to specify to which answer I am referring in the current request. It would be useful for example in code writing, where the user could refer to a specific answer inside different answers to build the next request.
this is small thing ,you sholud add short key on keyboard to stop generate, and also show the key on the button , it will effect very efficiently, thank you
Subject: Suggestion for Enhancing Job Candidate Suggestions
Dear OpenAI Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to offer a suggestion that could potentially enhance the capabilities of ChatGPT in providing valuable suggestions for job candidates within the field of technology.
Considering the increasing reliance on AI and the need for efficient talent acquisition processes, I propose the integration of a job candidate suggestion feature into ChatGPT. This feature would allow individuals seeking technology engineers or developers to inquire and receive informed suggestions within the AI platform, thereby facilitating the search for suitable candidates.
By leveraging ChatGPT’s comprehensive knowledge and understanding of various technology domains, companies and recruiters can obtain immediate and reliable suggestions for potential candidates. These suggestions would assist in identifying individuals with the required skills and qualifications, streamlining the recruitment process and saving valuable time and effort for all parties involved.
It is important to emphasize that these suggestions would be based on the information provided and should not be considered as direct referrals. The final decision and assessment of candidates would remain with the company or recruiter, ensuring a balanced and fair evaluation process.
Implementing such a feature would position ChatGPT as a valuable resource for industry-specific talent acquisition needs, providing valuable insights and recommendations to assist companies in their search for qualified technology professionals.
Thank you for considering this suggestion. I genuinely appreciate the effort and dedication of the OpenAI team in continuously improving AI technologies. I look forward to any developments or feedback on this idea.
An objectivity mode would be great. It may not be plausible for social topics, but there are some where it is obviously beneficial, clear, and objective.
ChatGPT does have the tendency towards false equivalency and both-sidesism. And, for many scenarios in which people (and often chatGPT) tend to answer with “well, it depends…”, 90% of the dependencies will result in the same answer - so it should give that clear answer, and add caveats afterwards.
up / down arrows (or similar) for command line prompt history (eg if you wish to iterate on a recent prompt instead of having to scroll, copy and paste)
show date of chat in the chat history window (makes it easier to find past chats)
Ability to tag or classify or make folders for chats (to allow grouping of different chats)
make chat headings searchable (easier to find the relevant past chat), by title, date, tag, etc
I just got an idea that can help improve chatgpt performance. It is useful for both chatgpt as well as the user. “How about adding emojis?” in this way, chatgpt is able to recognize how the customer is feeling right away also I feel like there is lack of understanding sometimes when you are full of emotions and the response of chatgpt seems like very dull.
It´s a very simple suggestion, but I haven´t found it here in the forums. But I think it would be awesome if I could categorize my prompts in folders and tag them with a theme. For example Foldername: Programming, in that folder I could have additional folders called: Python, JS, TS, SQL .NET and so on. Thats my suggestion, also you should set a limit of amount of deepnes on those folders so ppl dont start with absurd amounts of folders which is hard to search through later on. It would also be great if you could add tags to those folders that you could click on. To see all related folders with that tag.
Search button
If given access, the app exports (like the web version does t at today), reads and searches old chats, ideally allowing you sort and refine results.
Continue Conversation button
Browse (or search) previous chats, and if given access, exports and reads the export file (simple JSON structure), with all the user prompts and Chat’s responses, restoring context for continuing this chat.
Subject: Feature Suggestion: Auto-Display Personalized Images Upon Login in ChatGPT
Suggestion: I have a feature idea that could enhance the user experience with ChatGPT. It would be great if ChatGPT could have an option to automatically display personalized images (such as one generated during a previous session) upon login. This could add a more individual touch and improve the interaction.
For example, a user-generated image from a conversation could appear as a welcome image in future sessions. This could be managed through user settings, allowing users to enable or disable the feature and choose which image they’d like to display.
I believe this feature would further strengthen users’ connection with ChatGPT and create a more personalized interaction experience.
Thank you for considering this suggestion!
Waiting for your answer.
Best regards,
Eberhard (kilkruiser@t-online.de)
I found a problem and a solution it regarding Chatgpt. I design board games and I realised that Chatgpt can’t recognise important information the way we humans do. For example, anything that is important to our survival, our brain will remember automaticaly. The Chatgpt though remember mostly based on how often we repeat an information rather than weighting the importance of information the way we do. So, after some time, in a long conversation with tables, lists and sub topics, it can’t remember what matters for our project even if it created these results.
So, to counter this I found a simple yet effective way to “help” the chatgpt recognise what is important to always remember and what not so much. With its help we created this prompt:
Priority 1: Core ideas and mechanics that must always be retained and referenced in relevant contexts, even across multiple topics or sessions.
Priority 2: Important but contextual elements that enhance the discussion or add depth but can be adjusted or deprioritized if necessary for consistency with Priority 1.
Priority 3: Exploratory or temporary discussions, or details not explicitly labeled as Priority 1 or 2, which are considered Priority 3 by default.
Priority 1 details always take precedence. Priority 2 and 3 details can be deprioritized or adjusted as needed, but they should remain consistent within their respective contexts."
After that, whenever I say: “this is priority 1 info”, or "lets start a conversation priority 3 etc. the chatgpt can recognise and remember the important information even if it was a small sentence at the beggining of our 600 pages conversation from the information that doesn’t need to remember. If we could add a tool to the chatgpt that with a button can “colorised” certain sections are important (let’s say red colour for priority 1), and have for less final information a colour yellow so that it can recognise them as priority 2, we could easily rather than write every time “this is priority 1, or 2 etc” to just click and drag those info that are red, yellow or nothing (priority 3 are all this talk before we end up to results).
Also, that would make easy to just tell the Chatgpt to give us all the info priority 1 in one go without us having to scroll and find them.
The system with priorites was tested while designing complicated games where I needed Chatgpt to remember detailed information and give me accurate stats, tables and results.