Suggestion: Integrate Art Generation AI to ChatGPT

You mean like this :slight_smile:

There are a few issues here that I think are worth noting, for people who end up thinking about this.

  • Try as I may GPT-4 (correctly) wants image generation to be “async” and not delay anything in the flow. ChatGPT does not really have mechanisms of dealing with async jobs, so this would be a rather complex change there. In Discourse we have mechanisms for this eg we can create a special: [generate=image description here] piece of markdown that handles this…

  • Dall-E is far behind midjourney and even some interesting Stable Diffusion models on 2 counts. 1 the deny list of words is oppressive, 2 the actual images it generates is not on par with latest diffusion models.

  • Getting this done right, will take tons of iterations, (regenerate image, fine tuning images, etc…)

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