I am trying to fine tune a model using the subprocess.run command because I do not have administrator access to the machine I am working off of, so I do not have access to the terminal or otherwise.
import openai
import subprocess
openai.api_key = “■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■x9eESt83”
Start fine-tuning
subprocess.run(“openai api fine_tunes.create -t training_data_ai -m curie”.split())
throwing the “Error: No API key provided. You can set your API key in code using ‘openai.api_key = ’, or you can set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY=). If your API key is stored in a file, you can point the openai module at it with ‘openai.api_key_path = ’. You can generate API keys in the OpenAI web interface. See https://onboard.openai.com for details, or email support@openai.com if you have any questions.” Error…
I am running off of pycharm on windows and am not exactly sure how I would run this in the CLI as I am not able to access the terminal, only the virtual environment terminal through pycharm and that does not have access to PATH.