Show GPT: Category just to show off the GPT you've built, ask for beta users and feedback

There are so many people who have built custom GPTs and are looking for feedback. The GPT builders category mostly contains posts with questions from builders to other builders.

Can we have a category just for showing off new custom GPTs, asking for feedback, and getting beta users?

Kind of like show hacker news: Show | Hacker News

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You’re welcome to create a thread in Community. We’ve had a couple before, but from my experience people are about 100-times more interested in sharing theirs than looking at anyone else’s. It’s not unlike creators of AI-generated music want to share theirs but aren’t really going to listen to anyone else’s.

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Ooo interesting approach thanks for the tip. I think you’re underestimating this community’s natural curiosity. Especially for an eye catching new gpt that would save tons of time and is easy to use. But I get it, it’s like when you send a well thought out email and then re-read your response a million times. You’re more proud of your response than the original sender’s message.

Maybe, but I think this article sums it up pretty well,

This! Thanks for replying. This made so much sense.

I’d love to actually analyze the last show your gpt thread to see how right you are. My optimistic nature is definitely rooting for less than 50% to be folks that stopped by to promote their GPT and then leave.

I want to keep my french fries. If only there were a way to weed out the bad actors.

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So… I’ve recently been building a lot of custom GPTs (for totally non commercial motives).

I would like to think that some of them might benefit the world at large (after the events in the US last week, I created a GPT to suggest ways for people with differing political viewpoints to have respective discussions about politics).

However, what has been said previously unfortunately seems likely. Good faith actors will be outnumbered vastly by hucksters, scammers, and the rest of them.

Personally I think that custom GPT agents are going to be ginormous and that their utility is transformative.

I’d love to put a bit of thought into how we could make this idea work. One idea that comes to mind is a standalone forum (perhaps ChatGPT custom GPT builders) with a team of human mods. Another is a subreddit.

In any event, wanted to share some encouragement. I would actually really love to know what others are building beyond the few highlighted in the UI - which is just the tip of an enormous iceberg.

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I got “oops that page doesn’t exist or is private” error

Great idea. Like Reddit with volunteer mods or like Hacker News which is monitored by the founder and mods. Maybe OpenAI can hire someone to own the mod function of the community - far fetched idea.

There’s actually a formal review process I believe in order to submit a “show off what you built” post on Hacker News.

But I’d love to hear from builders and test out what they’re building. I foresee everyone having an AI assistant in the future and custom GPTs are step 1.

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With you on that 100%.

I think it’s going to take a few years for the use-cases to get well known and validated, but my prediction is that custom GPTs will prove to be a much bigger disruptor than just (generic) generative AI.

This takes them out of the realm of “oh that’s funny/cute” and into the league of serious solutions that can bring real value for business and personal life.

(I have so much to say and think about this topic but I feel like we’re all just figuring it out as we go!)

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Should be back up.

Very far fetched as they are alreafy understaffed.

It could work if you created your own forum and did moderation yourself.

Please share! I share my thoughts pretty often on x - I just followed you on x btw.

I mean maybe. But realistically, why would anyone go to a forum outside of OpenAI’s community to show off their custom GPTs?

Based on OpenAI’s GPT store announcement builders can earn revenue based on usage of their GPT. This likely means OpenAI will keep a portion of said revenue. Sounds to me like if they foster a place for builders to launch, gain beta users, and get feedback to build valuable tools, then they’ll grow their GPT store usage which will grow revenue.

Companies love revenue! It could work if they wanted it to.