RPG Dungeon Generator

Early steps on improvements to the dungeon generator… Would be cool if I could get the maps to import into Foundry or Roll20, but not sure if the first version will have that functionality. Still a work in progress, but I wanted to share as I build this out…


This took longer than I’d like to admit, but I’ve got a dungeon generator algo going… now just need to plop Wang Tiles into each spot and make sure they match up

so i’m thinking pull each “area,” check neighbors for exits, then match a dungeon tile to that spot/area… rinse and repeat…

then after the dungeon is done, I can use GPT-3 to describe each room, knowing the exits, etc.

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Making a lot of progress putting all the pieces together…

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Working on room descriptions tonight… getting close!

Wow, this is awesome

However it is beyond my tech know how.

I wonder, can i describe a map in detail that inwant to use in a campaign or dnd session and gpt-2 will be able to produce it? Can it translate text to “map”?

Also, did you enter a “command” and gpt-2 “wrote the campaign” for you?

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I’ve wondered if DALL-E 2.0 might be able to draw map tiles from text descriptions.

But yeah, this takes info about the “room” and uses GPT-3 to describe it. Still a work in progress, but I’m getting closer!

Wow! That is DOPE! I’d love to “try out” what you’re doing, as a dm im more open spaces/terrains and city maps than dungeon crawler so would be very curious how rhat would translate onto tiles.

Is the end result an “ap”, seems to be what most people are using the gpt system for


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Thanks! LitRPG Adventures is live, but the new dungeon generator isn’t live yet… We do have generators for overland areas, taverns, magic shops, etc.

These are not live from GPT-3, but they were created with and edited by me… Random Encounters AI

I’m staying away from the App-space at the moment. It’s browser-based and will run on almost anything!

I think it would be super cool if you also eventually included a 3d character generator!

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GPT-3 isn’t meant for this, but I’m trying to see if I can get Codex to do dungeon designs… real quick test from this morning with my coffee… i might revisit later…

First is an example with better instructions. It did well on second but didn’t connect them all in the third…

 Write a 4x4 grid with 4 random cells designated with (1) - (4) and blank tiles designated with (0). The cells with numbers (1) - (5) should be random but all connected.


 Write a 5x5 grid with 5 random cells designated with (1) - (5) and blank tiles designated with (0). The cells with numbers (1) - (5) should be random but all connected.


 Write a 6x6 grid with 6 random cells designated with (1) - (6) and blank tiles designated with (0). The cells with numbers (1) - (5) should be random but all connected.


Using #GPT3 for map generation? Maybe! Any thoughts, @DutytoDevelop?

Getting closer on the rooms. These have not been easy or cheap to implement…

Starting to get some continuity and structure… These are all from the same dungeon…Working NPCs and room-utility / use into the mix…

This is NOT DALL-E 2 and GPT-3… yet?

Love what you’re doing here Paul. My team and I have built a dungeon generator into our tool (Gamefroot) using the watabou one page dungeon algorithm which we love. We take the dungeon JSON data and use it to build a playable top-down game. It’s a work in progress.

We are in the process of writing our own prompts to replace that algorithm but I’m thinking if you’ve already done it, and if your prompts are open source, than maybe we don’t need to recreate the wheel?