I’m a user from Brazil, and while I love the service, the current pricing makes it inaccessible for many of us. Please consider offering localized pricing to reflect the economic realities of countries with weaker currencies, so more people can benefit from this incredible tool.
To illustrate, the minimum month wage in Brazil is R$1,400, which is about $230 USD per month, today. Essential monthly expenses for one person include:
- Rent: R$800 (~$131 USD)
- Internet: R$100 (~$16 USD)
- Energy: R$100 (~$16 USD)
- Water: R$50 (~$8 USD)
- Food: the remaining income often barely covers food costs.
Given this reality, paying $20 USD for a subscription to ChatGPT represents more than 10% of a minimum-wage worker’s monthly income, making it affordable only for wealthier individuals.
I understand that this is not solely OpenAI’s problem, but unfortunately, we cannot count on the local government to support us; they are, unfortunately, making things harder for the population. Localized pricing would make a huge difference for users in Brazil, allowing broader access to the platform and its benefits.
All the best