Proposal for a Differentiated AI Pricing Based on the Economic Context of Each Country

Today, the global economic gap makes access to advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, highly unequal. While in countries like the United States the cost of tools like ChatGPT may be more accessible, in countries with weaker economies, like Colombia, the same service can become prohibitively expensive due to the difference in purchasing power.

My proposal is simple: why not establish differentiated pricing based on the minimum wage and economic context of each country? This would allow people from different parts of the world to access these technologies fairly, promoting inclusion and reducing inequality in access.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform lives, improve education, healthcare, and generate opportunities. If we truly believe in AI’s potential for the well-being of humanity, then it should be accessible to all, not just a few.

I hope this proposal is considered not only by ChatGPT but also by other tech platforms like Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), Golfshot, and others. Digital inclusion is key for a more equitable future.

That only works for companies where the hardware or manufacturing is in a third world country so the margins are ok. For security of algo’s and IP, everything Open a.i. does is hosted in the US, which costs more. Also, secondly, if it were considerably cheaper to buy it in rupees, everyone would just pretend they live in India. Also, thirdly, if it was cheaper in a 3rd world country, they have less regulation and a.i. might be used to scam people on scales we’ve never seen before. Because of all of this, $200USD / month for 01 pro seems ridiculously out of reach for someone in Columbia. But… for the safety of the world, it needs to be that. I live in Australia and this equates to the cost of half a new iphone every three months for me… so i get you, it’s insane… i’m only going to decide every month on a month by month if i really need it.