Realime API stopped to respond on session creation

POST request to /realtime/sessions was working well all the day and a few minutes ago it started to throw an error:
error: {
message: ‘The server had an error processing your request. Sorry about that! You can retry your request, or contact us through our help center at if you keep seeing this error. (Please include the request ID req_44a2e4bf9218a65214d38c7f91f7f84b in your email.)’,
type: ‘server_error’,
param: null,
code: null

Probably it’s because of the Elevated Error Rate for ChatGPT and API

But I’d be really happy if somebody can check it. THank you :slight_smile:


it stopped working for everyone

there seems to be an error and openai is probably working on it


Second day in a row OAI has issues, that’s really not good :frowning:


Same issue on our team. POST request to /realtime/sessions is not working.

yup, same error here:

“message”: "The server had an error processing your request. Sorry about that! You can retry your request, or contact us through our help center at if you keep seeing this error.

weirdly enough, the playground realtime works fine

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My mobile app stopped working as well on laptop as well. Do we have information if they are working on it?

they probably are given the… but a confirmation would be nice

it would be great if they could have some dynamic endpoint that tells devs they are having an outage and are working on it, instead of telling us to visit their help desk

the shitty part is that its 4am in sf, most oai employees are probably sleeping

Exactly. I can’t even reach them in ‘HELP’ section as well. They give you suggestions what to click in order to talk to them and no suggestion fits my category!

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I still can’t access chat GPT on my laptop.

a fix has been implemented, this is good news probably

EDIT: its been fixed! its working! that was quick! 36 minutes of outage… I’m glad this didn’t become a 4h thing

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everything is back online on my end

EDIT: oh, nevermind, chatgpt just crashed

Not on mine I refreshed five times by now. Nothing.

yeah, the realtime api is working… but now chatgpt crashed… they might be updating chatgpt… that might take a few minutes

yeah, hopefully openai’s london team is working on it… its 12h40pm over there

I just hope it will work soon…
you can use this for now if you need it now… the api is also working… unless there are models you don’t have access to on the api that you only have access to over at chatgpt… hopefully this helps!

I’m also on the same boat as you, just waiting for chatgpt to go back online so I can get back to using o1-pro… but at least I got o1 at the playground in case I need it… I’m just glad my website’s realtime endpoint is properly working

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Apparently I can’t I have to pay in order to use it…

ah, that sucks

seems to be working on the mobile app for android and ios

Thanks for the link, I’ll bookmark it.