I’ve been encountering an issue with image generation through the OpenAI platform. Yesterday, I received a message indicating that I’ve hit my daily maximum number of images. And its been a day now. Still the same message. No limit reset.
I’m having the same issue today. I tried one image (more than 24 hrs have passed) and it posted the same message above. Other times, it used to say how many hours/minutes it will be reset. But I have not created an image in over 24 hrs until trying now. So I logoff and login again, and it generated only one image. When I tried the second one, it again showed the same message. When I ask if it will show when it will be reset because I have only generated one image, it says it doesnt have that information. !!!
I tried it after a day, and it was back okay. There is a cap for 150-200 images per day I guess.