Please let us set chat to full screen width

Using ChatGPT to help with coding is really painful because I can’t see entire contents of almost any code block it generates without using the horizontal scrollbar every time the code gets just slightly wider.

Luckily, in web browsers, I can use extensions like tampermonkey to tamper the website code and extend the chat area to the entire width of the browser window.

I just downloaded Windows desktop app to have ChatGPT more at my fingertips but quickly realized the app is essentially unusable for me because I would have to get back to clicking on horizontal scrollbar and manually scrolling to see contents of pretty much every response.

The convenience of the desktop app ends up being completely negated by the reduced productivity of having to manually interact with the response UI elements just to be able to read the entire contents of the response.

Whether narrow paragraphs are more convenient to read than wide ones is very subjective preference, so it makes no sense to force this subjective preference onto users.

In fact the request is so frequent it has even spawned dedicated browser extensions (can be found in Chrome store). But it’s really bizarre to have to trust some unverified random developers with full access to website content modification privileges in your browser just to get ChatGPT usability up to essential standards.

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I concur, this is really annoying when coding.