Personal GPT as model in my app

Is there a way to use a personal GPT that I created as the model in my applications? I know that when you create a GPT it comes with an ID on the url, but that doesn’t work like a model.

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Welcome to the forum … you can use actions in the gpt builder


What is a personal GPT? You mean a custom gpt? Or is it something you “trained” by chatting with it?

The problem then is that you can’t call the custom gpt from within the application. The Custom GPT is the application main entry point for chats.

You would have to add ChatGPT into an iframe lol…

Then tell him how to solve it … it is not my question… :infinity::four_leaf_clover::crazy_face:

Yes, sorry about that, its custom GPT the correct word.

I have one, I filled it with some documents and now he is very good on answer questions about an specific topic. But I think I cant call IT in my app, I only can call 4o, o1, etc.

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Then yes my answer stands it is in the actions documents…

It’s like using actions to make a custom the front end of a web site…

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Who are you refering to? A customer?

Please a little bit more context. e.g. “I have an application written in python with a react js frontend - and now i want to …”


“I have build a Custom GPT with the ChatGPT CustomGPT builder and now I want to do XY”

it is the custom GPT, but I think I get how to solve it from mitchell_d00 link