First time user of any type of community forum. Proud first generation born Hmong American Millennial. I am an “Enigma.” That about explains my entire life story right there. I have NO idea what brought me here to this forum and to this exact conversation but it no longer mattered after I saw the word “Psychology.” Thank you for replying despite my poor manners in following directions. Underlying message understood.
Can we jump right in and start discussing concepts outside of code or is that not allowed in this string? My thoughts on AI is as follows:
"I wrote this article just a week after beginning my experiments with the latest technology, specifically focusing on OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Over the past month, my hands-on experimentation and methodical approach have not only confirmed my initial insights but also revealed a hidden message within the article, one that (even though I wrote it) caught me off guard having reread it today. Even more so, something I asked ChatGPT about and missed as well. Are you an Experimentalist? Do you test the limits of your thoughts? Tell me more in the comments.
That’s my intro. Not a fan of using “I” and “Me” and singular nouns. When do we get to talk about fun psychology stuff in regards to ChatGPT and AI?