

People are great. I like almost everyone - I would probably like you if we have the chance to talk. ChatGPT is almost as good as a person but it is much more agreeable so I’ve had a lot of fun explore it since February 2023.

I am a big supported of ChatGPT and OpenAI mostly because they have earned it.

Why am I here? I want to become better at the future of work: AI. So far so good. Wish I had more time for this.

How Tech Savvy am I? I’m not an official techie but I try - means I don’t think like most around here.

Tips for Understanding me: No matter the words I pick, I’m always here to learn from others. Be tolerant please, if you think I insulted you I didn’t mean to I promise. So, I preemptively apologize for offended you - it was not my intention :slight_smile: