Open AI licences for our enterprise customers

not sell it on our website but offer it to our customers . I guess the only way is via our own API services? How is the application process for that?

I am still confused but you can create API keys here, and you can then follow these instructions to use your API.


The link here is how you apply for access.

With that link you are requesting access to Microsoft’s version of OpenAI which is the exact same as OpenAI’s but better service. You’ll land on a page like this:

Below the text in the picture, is a list of questions. I highly suggest you read them all before you start them. Mostly so you can get everything you need before you complete the form. One main thing you will want to get is an Azure account. But after that, the questions are pretty simple. The purpose of the form is so Microsoft stays responsible and is tracking the use cases.

As a note on the OpenAI thing. You’re not going to get any developer support. They have made that pretty clear over the past couple of months. If you want to make any sustainable business from GPT, you’ll have to lean into Microsoft access. OpenAI is too whimsical with their service availability and have zero support when it goes wrong. Microsoft on the other hand has a legally binding agreement on support and service.

But anyways good luck.

Hi @barbara.hinderer - curious if you ever heard back from OpenAI about options for your business use case? I am in the same boat and can’t figure out a path to bring on external customers to the platform.

There are thousands upon thousands of MSPs that resell and manage software solutions for clients so hopefully there is a model that has been established by OpenAI for this?

What if we want to pay for the input into GPT and pay for the Output, then we want to use the output along with other information we provide as a product to others? Would that be covered under the license we have?

quick question, so OpenAi doesn’t allow to be a reseller of APIs ?