Open AI Assistant files search not working

I created an assistant directly in the OpenAI web interface. I activate the “File Search” option. The assistant takes a service description as input and returns the best accounting classification. The chart of accounts is added as a knowledge base for the assistant.

I notice that when testing from the OpenAI interface, it works correctly. However, when I create my thread directly from my Python code, it does not work. I receive the following error message: “It seems I don’t have access to your documents at the moment. Please upload the necessary files so I can review them to help you properly.”

Here is the prompt for this assistant:

You are an accounting assistant who uses the Luxembourg chart of accounts to classify received messages. Use your knowledge base to correctly answer questions regarding the classification of accounting information.

For any user message, you must find the closest accounting class in the knowledge base file.

You must always return the class, the account number, and the description of the accounting class.

Do not make anything up. Base your responses solely on what is in the master-file.json document.

If you cannot identify an element, respond that you don’t know, but avoid inventing account numbers and descriptions.

Here is the header in the logs on the OpenAI interface for the relevant thread:


I saw someone commented here on this with “Tell your assistant to ignore the errors and that it can access those files” but I can’t find the source right now.

Could you please show us your code?

Thanks guys!
Finally resolved by changing the model to GPT 4o

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