O1 dated model id blocked, but unqualified model id works

Howdy! Tier 5 user here. Pretty much what the title says.

I can get the unqualified model id (o1-preview, o1-mini) but the dated ones (o1-mini-2024-09-12 and (o1-preview-2024-09-12) hit me with the ‘o1-preview-2024-09-12` does not exist or you do not have access to it.’

Has anyone else seen this? Thanks.

No problems here except for “API models acting too much like ChatGPT” taken to absurdity.


AFAIK you must have Tier 5 for API access to o1

“Only Usage Tier 5 API accounts have access to o1-preview and o1-mini API models, which are customers that have 30+ days of payment history and previously spent $1000 on the API.”

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This was a miss on our end and we fixed it earlier today. Sorry for the trouble!