I’m having a little bug with my account… the last bill is paid, but i can’t access GPT-4, it appear that i’m not GPT Plus subscriber, but i am.
I searched help button to talk with chat or an email to send, but i didn’t founded.
Can someone help me?
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I have the same issue, I don’t have access to GPT-4, but my subscription did’t expired yet.
I have the same issue. Have you got a reply from the support team?
This is happening to me in April 4 2024. Did you get help?
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I’m having the same issue upgraded to 1 year plan on 2nd May 2024 but still my plan is not been upgraded
I’m having the same problem. Any suggestions?
My subscription plan is also not appearing. Amount has been debited.
Did anyone ever get a reply? I’m having the same issue all of a sudden.
Same problem; how did you solve this?