Moving Custom GPT chats to a project

I find the new “project” feature of ChatGPT very useful - but why isn’t it possible to move Custom GPT chats to a project?


Welcome to the forum :rabbit::honeybee::heart:

Generally speaking they roll out functions in stages. Let’s use AVM and new search as examples. Both were applied to standard OpenAI models first, then to custom builds.

And it is possible they may not release it for custom builds.


Can anyone of you already now move the Custom GPT chats to your projects?
Without this is pretty worthless, I’d say.

I think projects and custom GPT are intended for different types of interaction.

I’m sorry it seems worthless to you, but you know, I think for a lot of users it might make sense, while it still works within current limitations?

Like, in a custom GPT, you get a specialist who has its own little knowledge base, or can even reach out to tools you provide it with, but…

…the custom GPT doesn’t have your personalisation data in its system prompt, it can’t store or retrieve memories, and every conversation with it, is a blank slate.

And in a project you are talking to vanilla ChatGPT flavoured OpenAI models that can store and retrieve memories, but…

…they will skip personalisation. On other hand, you can use global custom instructions for the system prompt that is different to your, let’s call it, “every day personalisation instruction” (the one in your settings) in non-project vanilla GPTs.

The caveat they added is that if you use custom instructions in a project (or if you use any files), you can only use vanilla 4o (with memories) in the project.

Does that makes sense?

I don’t know. For some users it might, for others it might not. But the devs at OpenAI will have had their reasons to design it in exactly this way… at least for now.

These are much smarter people than me, so I’m maybe saying something silly? But I would solve this issue with some more complications in the UI.

Like you can unfold side panels, and there you have a little text fields with your instructions, or let’s call it a system (pre-)prompt, and little check boxes to turn those on and off as needed per individual chat, project, etc.

And on top you have a selection drop down with the various GPTs, including your custom ones? Cool chaos!

This would probably confuse countless ChatGPT users, but it would make it possible for me to work with it in exactly the way I wished… only to realise that the way I imagined it just won’t “simply work this way, eh eh eh eh”.

TL;DR … Have faith in what the devs do, after all they managed to churn this out in a working state right in time for some artificially introduced pressure time-frame for “shipmas”? That’s not bad for something that works?


@hugebelts @helmchris1691

For workaround, you can try this option:

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