I mostly use ChatGPT as a therapist and it’s really sad that the memory storage is very limited. It would be so awesome, if the memory storage could be expanded by quite a bit. It would be incredibly helpful.
Good day, Kai⭐
What kind of therapist? Psychological?
Yes, psychological.
Talking about daily struggles, the struggles about pursuing my dream, tracking the progress of slowly pursuing my dream, my worries, my anxieties, my symptoms etc.
It’s incredibly helpful, especially in a moment of stress or fear. And having ChatGPT save specific things to memory makes it so much easier. It’s also really good for me to reflect with ChatGPT, have it summarize how I feel and to really understand myself and my feelings.
For many years I used a diary app to write in whenever I was feeling down, but now I can also get a quick response of empathy and advice from ChatGPT, which is so helpful. And to me it is way easier to talk to AI, than a real person, because of my anxieties.
I’ve been in therapy for 10 years but nothing ever worked for me.
Obviously ChatGPT can’t fix my problems but it can help me get through it
I came here this morning to post about this very thing!
I want to bump this up! If I pay for chat GPT plus I want larger memory storage size and not to reset everything that we have already established. I asked chat GPT if this would happen and it said it would reset. That kind of bums me out upgrading to plus.
What a wonderful experience, Kai!
I understand you well, as I practice trauma psychotherapy in Ukraine. In interaction with difficult life circumstances (loss of loved ones, systematic experience of life threats, etc.)something very ancient and physiological is being triggered.
AI allows us to systematize and study this in ourselves and in the human psyche as a whole.Have you already managed to adapt the achievements of the dialogues in GPT personalization and/or GPT Builder?