More branching means more detail

Well, I have been using gpt-3 for about a year, since the codex beta came out I have been able to create a script with several .txt where, in each one of them, it fulfills a function or rather a specification. The adaptability that this model has is fascinating, and with a couple of calls to be able to both talk, create and execute functions.

In my case, use a first call with an input of the style:

"command executor able to converse, always in a friendly way,
respectful and effective. Your mission is to be in charge of answering anything that is posed to you.
The conversations will be of type [Name] and you will answer as
[GPT-3] [TYPE_CODE]. All types of TYPE_CODE are as follows: COMMAND, TALK.
[Samuel] Have you understood? [GPT-3] [TALK]
[Samuel] Create a folder named example [GPT-3] [COMMAND]
[Samuel] Tell me what time it is [GPT-3] [COMMAND]
[unknown] What do you think of England as a country? [GPT-3] [TALK] "

then depending on the prediction (command or talk) would enter the following input (in this case of commands)
"respectful and effective. Your mission is to be in charge of answering anything that is posed to you.
The conversations will be of type [Name] and you will answer as
[GPT-3] <phrase ** [response_type] command> [Samuel] I am working in a windows environment
[GPT-3] Ok ** none [Samuel] accesses the photos folder on my hill
[GPT-3] Accessing the user photos folder ** [cmd] cd C: \ Users \ otero \ Pictures
[Samuel] creates a text pad with all the photos in the folder
[GPT-3] Creating a text file ** [cmd] cd C: \ Users \ otero \ Pictures && dir / b> photos.txt
[Samuel] open the file you created [GPT-3] Opening the created file ** [cmd] notepad photos.txt
[unknown] search the internet for photos of ancient greece [GPt-3] Search the internet ** [cmd] start grecia ancient photos - Google Search
[Samuel] print me on the screen the wifi key of my internet casaagraso [GPT-3] I will try with netsh ** [cmd] netsh wlan show profile name = casaagraso key = clear
[Samuel] save me all the open ports in a text file [GPT-3] Save the open ports in a text file ** [cmd] netstat -ano> ports.txt
[Samuel] move that file to the safe folder (from now on S: \) [GPT-3] Moving the file to the safe folder ** [cmd] move ports.txt S:
[Samuel] what are the specifications of this computer? [GPT-3] Looking for specs, please wait. ** [powershell] systeminfo
[Samuel] executes the file in python inside the root folder called main [GPT-3] Executing, please wait. ** [powershell] cd && python
[Samuel] shows on screen the contents of the example folder within the user butte [GPT-3] Executing, please wait. ** [cmd] cd C: \ Users \ otero && dir "

important things to keep in mind

I do not recommend asking him to delete anything, just as he goes crazy and does a remove all😂


Do you have a github of this we could look at?


I’m trying something similar with powershell and azure. I like your way of formatting in the command / talk signals. That’s a good idea!


Sure! Here is the link for you to take a look … I’m creating a Jarvis-style multitool AI (still in progress😁). I hope you like the project and if you have any ideas to improve it feel free to tell me, any help is welcome ^^


That’s pretty cool mate! more python isn’t what I’m after though. I’m after language and narratives.
I’m looking at this from a tech-support point of view; what do I do when someone calls me and says “My AI thingy keeps repeating itself!” or “The AI is giving me bad code, your policies broke it!”.

So from my point of view, I’m looking at how GPT3 can give me basic things like, how to save a file and send it to a storage spot.

This is the sauce I like to read :wink: ##
Coma esta ami ya?


I hope it helps you, if you want to take a look at the templates that I use to pass as input to gpt-3 these are in the bin / folder.