ok i’ve tried this in chat today 6 times over the past 4 hours with no reply.
while using cyberseo to pull articles from news feeds i normally spend $0.5 per day. today for some reason i spend $31 on like 3000 pulls. i ended up with about 12 articles. what i’d like to know is HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?
seriously what was my money spent on?
here’s a link to todays usage. Dropbox - Untitled.jpg - Simplify your life
i wasn’t generatign AI images, only pulling text and trying to pull images from the articles which didn’t work. also the article generation was not on a timer so i don’t understand the huge hourly usage.
i’d like some feedback and info on what happened today as i don’t understand how from 7 RSS feeds i managed to spend so much money and generate so many requests