Major Privacy Issue - 4o mini showing other user's prompts

I am using ChatGPT and I have a Plus membership. I ran out of 4o and I opened a new chat with mini. I gave it the prompt: “I cannot use MidJourney in a GPT name but i see other GPTs that use MidJourney in their name in the explore GPTs. The GPTs builder gives me an error: May contain content that requires previous authorization, such as brand names, trademarks, or copyrighted content.” It gave me a response that was a response to a message that I sent a while ago. I tried the prompt again and it gave me another response that was unrelated to my prompt and unrelated to me at all. I asked in the next prompt what the last message I sent was and it responded with a prompt that I had never given it. I then asked for the message I sent before that and again another prompt that I had never given. The way the prompts were formatted were definitely prompts that were user generated as they had misspellings, all lowercase, etc. but they were not mine. I kept asking for the last message I sent and it would either respond with prompts I had never given it, items from memories or prompts I had given in previous conversations. This seems like a major issue and potentially major privacy issue as 1. I am getting prompts from other users and 2. somehow it is giving me prompts I gave in other conversations when, as far as I know, is not supposed to be possible.

Hi. Have they reached out to you about this? Does it still occur?