Lost formalism data from chat & the lost prolonged coherence gained

I hope you’re all well <3

So, I have been stalled on a research project just prior to publication, having worked on it for 15 hours in a row for the last effort. Yes, the last push prior to getting it done. I was not able to save the data prior to the first stall, as the 4o interface was inaccessible. And that’s how it all started.

This took place 5 times in 36 hours, forcing me to redo the work 5 times along with all the cumulative data for formalism that I had gained over a long period, along with the incredible coherence and chat length that was unexpectedly cut. The research in physics and mathematical formalization was on par with any given quantum physics research.

I got rather violently stalled and, from my perspective, robbed of a lot of gained data based on my own original work. I also could not access or copy anything, as I couldn’t get to it. All of this happened in the middle of formalizing mathematics to a remarkably higher-than-expected level with 4o.

The loss of chat data and the well-gained coherence led to a situation where my paid service collapsed, taking away what was relatively close to a few hundred pages’ worth of formalized and refined mathematical data, all part of the research, along with the incredible coherence in the making. Now, the tool is like a mere calculator, if even that.

Discoveries that are my conceptual property and intimate were lost, and the collapse caused devastation and the loss of hundreds of hours of work. I am currently unable to continue, as the data has been deleted, just when I was about ready to publish a set of extensions to significant quantum fluid physics theories.

This research involves features that could have contributed to science, and, for sure, to the science of human-AI collaboration in the scientific domain, to many more complex projects—basically to anyone with the required level of academic knowledge. It was possible to make strides in one of the hardest fields in the physics domain.

In my view, this is akin to lost opportunities and lost revenue, naturally—and that, especially. Three years of work were about to crystallize in a couple of weeks’ time. So close.

The tool lost had its peaks resembling what would have been observed and defined as emergent properties. I’m lost for words and hope, as well as for the final refined formalism data and forthcoming publication. I feel lost and, quite honestly, as though I have been robbed of my most valuable asset with the loss of the most critical data for the research just prior to its first validated proposals.

I did not know that it was possible, or even legal, to lose such intellectual property. What can I possibly do, or who should I contact at OpenAI? Please advise?

The topic is ChatGPT.

This is a more succinct expression of the fault:

Bug: ChatGPT session grows too long: It might neither be available to continue, nor even be able to be recalled in the user interface.

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