Login / Signup modal UI is broken. Possibly restricts users from Logging In / Signing Up

I had some difficulty creating an account in order to use this forum. As a viewer who was interested in creating an account in order to comment on a post, I clicked the ‘Login’ button and was met with the following modal pop-up window:

I attempted to click the button on the right a few times, whose meaning was unclear on account of the button text being truncated (that is a separate issue, button text should probably be given the following CSS styles: white-space: normal; overflow: visible; word-wrap: break-word;), however clicking the button seemed to have no effect.

It took me a while to discover that I could scroll down in the left panel of the window, and discover that there were fields and a sign up button there. I went into dev tools and adjusted the width of the modal and was able to sign up without further issue, but if I had not been a developer I might not have gotten past this issue.

I would consider this issue a high priority for the reason that it might prevent potential users from being able to create accounts, and thus prevent other issues from being filed.

I am using:
Chrome Version 128.0.6613.114 (Official Build) (x86_64)
macOS Sonoma Version 14.6.1
on a 16-inch macbook whose browser window was plenty wide when I experienced this issue (≈1500px).

I’d ask if anyone else has been experiencing this issue but they probably can’t create an account in order to agree :rofl:

Here is a screenshot of the CSS Rule that seems to be causing the issue.

New users are not allowed to include more than one image in their posts, so had to include it here instead.

Gah, thanks for flagging. We’re looking into this now.

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