LitRPG AI Dungeon Roguelike Powered by GPT-4 + DALLE3

I’d remove the border-radius… use it only for special boxes…

And the orange + salmon - it is pretty hard to read the blue on salmon “COMBAT with Auraglide”.

The word combat could be something special even. Like the font should scream “atttaaaackkk”.

And the font type maybe?

Also an image in the background might help with alot of opacity - or at least some gradients somewhere…

Maybe a background like this for the header:

background-color: #a96e47;
background-image:linear-gradient(135deg, #663427 5%, #92490d 95%);
-webkit-animation: AnimationName 5s ease infinite;
-moz-animation: AnimationName 5s ease infinite;
animation: AnimationName 5s ease infinite;
background-size: 400% 400%;

@-webkit-keyframes AnimationName {
    0%{background-position:0 17%}
    50%{background-position:100% 84%}
    100%{background-position:0 17%}
@-moz-keyframes AnimationName {
    0%{background-position:0 17%}
    50%{background-position:100% 84%}
    100%{background-position:0 17%}
@keyframes AnimationName {
    0%{background-position:0 17%}
    50%{background-position:100% 84%}
    100%{background-position:0 17%}

And you could generate some small fantasy guys as avatar images.

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Thanks. The colors are outside my palette, but I like it.

That orange might’ve popped too much.

Time to get down to the nitty gritty…


I wonder too if I should make it appear more like a “book” or notebook or sorts…

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I have images for the cat messages and avatar images. I don’t want to overwhelm if there’s a long conversation so maybe only the first or every other message… hrm…

The header animation is lit, isn’t it?


I think i am already overusing it on my navigation.

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It’s small and subtle, but I like it… I get most of my web dev UI UX from Kevin Powell and Design Course on YouTube …

Yeah he has a clean style… like that.


Also some animations that play just once when you scroll or very subtile in the background are nice… maybe ask chatgpt to make you a canvas animation of two swords crossing like in a fight… i guess you will have to eplain a little more.

But that’s also work in progress on my side…

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Yeah, I’ve started on the landing page for the game, but I haven’t finished it yet.

The “Journal” is a gamescreen inside the game…

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Maybe give it the layout of an ancient scroll then? Even with a small animation on scrolling on top…

like that - damn the background alone, when you scoll and it scrolls with it would be kind of epic…

But the top and bottom of the scoll could be done about like the moving background i suggest before.

I bet chatgpt can build even that as a canvas haha… needs some distorion on the top and bottom… they can even be two different canvas.

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Yeah, Phaser 3.6 (framework I’m using) just added Nine-slices which would work well on that…

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Another word that will live rent free in my head :slight_smile: Thank you!


That’s chatgpt on asking it to make a grid with white lines on black background and tiny spheres as connection points and a larger invisible sphere going through the space bending it in javascript canvas.


Not sure where the term came from lol

Crazy what you can do in a browser these days, tho!

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I am trying to make a grid representation of lips (with some layers that show teeth and stuff).
I think when I take a video of a person speaking, then with face recognition find the grid of the lips plus extracting a lot of textures it should be possible to create javascript code that can simulate lip movement - so you can talk to an avatar and get visual feedback and not just the voice in real time.

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Getting close to having dynamic LLM quests working…

Entrance Room

As you regain consciousness in the mesmerizing Entrance Room of the Shimmering Grove of the Nimbleshroom, you find yourself surrounded by a dazzling display of nature’s artistry. Bioluminescent flora cast a gentle glow upon the cavern, illuminating the crystal formations that jut out from every surface. The air is tinged with the sweet scent of dew-kissed petals, and soft patches of glowing mushrooms carpet the ground. Your mind is blank, devoid of memory, yet the enigmatic ambiance of this place urges you to seek answers and explore its hidden secrets.

You are in room 1 on depth 1, The Great Hall

Player says, “hey”

Iona Waddlesworth says, " Hello there! How can I assist you today? "

Player says, “give me a quest?”

Iona Waddlesworth says, " Hello again! I have just the quest for you. How about venturing into the Cursed Caverns and retrieving the legendary Sword of Destiny? It is said to be a weapon of immense power, capable of vanquishing even the most fearsome foes. Are you up for the challenge? "

Player says, “sure”

Iona Waddlesworth says, " Wonderful! The quest “Retrieve the Sword of Destiny” has been added to your journal. Venture forth into the Cursed Caverns, face the dangers that await, and claim the mighty sword! I have a good feeling about this quest. Good luck, brave adventurer! "


Dynamic quest generation coming along slowly



Nice update on the UI Paul,

I’m super happy to see the tiny suggestions box pop up in the chat field!

Keep up the good work

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Those are just saved from the browser… that IS a good idea, though… hrm…

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Saved from browser is good too, I’m sure I’ll fill that with stuff like “yes/no”, “who are you?”, “Do you have anything for sale?”, “Do you know of anything interesting in the area?” & “I’m the hero player_name and I’m here for the quests”

I think most other players would ask/say similar things :laughing:

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I’ve been talking with other roguelike devs on Discord. Some have suggested just giving player a few options to respond, but that kinda takes away the whole “magic” of the LLM convos.

However, maybe there’s some middle-ground… you can type OR select one of 3 most likely options… I kinda like that idea.


Might be useful for key beats (if they exist) for the choices to be limited :thinking: perhaps as an option for story builders who want a specific thing to happen, you could have a key element that only allows specific choices, as an option.

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A little (lot) buggy, but I’m dynamically generating quests with an LLM (chatGPT / GPT4) …

UI is horrid too still, but getting back-end stuff working…

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