LitRPG AI Dungeon Roguelike Powered by GPT-4 + DALLE3

Ooh nice. I’ll add it to my TBR *important list.

Yeah, I don’t think I’ll get rich with this, and it’s not my goal, really. Even a couple thousand people paying $5 or $10/month would keep my going. I enjoy the “work” of developing this and have so many ideas on using GPT and DALLE2…

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Oh, trust me, I’ve done this… got a few hits but not much. You really need a friend of a friend who knows someone who might be interested to get their attention. There’s soooo much coming out these days. A guy can dream, though, right. :wink:

I’ve been emailing journos and streamers mostly. I need to get the MVP alpha out and start getting feedback. Just worried about the costs of freemium at first…

Here’s my LitRPG Adventures sign-up page (with ToS I’ll likely need to change soon…) I’ll make a separate sign-up page for just the game…


It’s been a while since I first checked this out, but you should consider moving all of your OpenAI stuff to Azure if you haven’t already (it is the same cost and better service quality). They have a startup credit support. Maybe you fall under it.

Microsoft for Startups | Microsoft

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Moving new UI/UX/theme across the game… starting to come together, I think…

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Another quick update… I’m going to try to soft-launch a pre-alpha the end of the month.

I’m working more on the actual ChatGPT mechanics now, and they’re coming along nicely.

Thanks for all the interest in this project…


More work on fine-tuning the narrative…

I’m collating combat messages and putting them in an accordion…


Still a work in progress, but getting closer to combining gameplay with narrative generation.


A “bark” for your sword when you pick up loot… It then shows up in the Chat window and will be recognized/remembered during your next conversation… idea is to kind of blend the game world with the chat window a bit…


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Latest update… more NPC stuff done on the backend… it’s starting to come together…

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oh wow… i had him down to 0 emo (-10 twice) and usually if i apologize he would go up a couple but not this time lol

it sounds like the shopkeeper wants to send you on a quest…

how to code this … hrm…

Latest update… getting close to a demo…

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Quests and skills update…


Another (short!) devlog update…

Anyone here want to take it for a spin soon??

Bogalog Gobgob Pun Master, you?

Hey there, adventurer! What can I do for ya?

oh hello

Oh, hello to you too! How can I assist you on this grand adventure?

i’m time

Well, aren’t you a fascinating character! Time sure flies when you’re having fun in this RPG, doesn’t it? How can I be of service to someone as timeless as yourself?

not much

Ah, no worries! Even in the world of fantasy, sometimes there’s not much going on. But fear not, for I have some pun-tastic tales and jokes to spice things up if you’re interested! Or perhaps you have any quests or inquiries you’d like to share?

what’s my name?

Well, well, well! Your name, my adventurous friend, is an important piece of information. But fear not, for I have a little riddle to help you discover it! “I’m part of the face, but not part of the soul, I’m in the beginning, but not in the whole. What am I?” Give it a shot, and let’s see if you can uncover your true name!

Tim? or Time? Thyme?

Oh, you clever adventurer, you! You’ve cracked the riddle and discovered your name! It’s “Time”! Well done! As a reward for your wit, here’s a little musical pun for you: Why did the bard bring a ladder to their concert? Because they wanted to reach the high notes! Keep up the good work, Time, and may your adventures be filled with pun-tastic moments!


Now that the framework is in place, I’m spending more time on NPC personality and tying the ChatGPT stuff to actual game mechanics like quests…

Ah, fantastic! I see you’ve managed to regain consciousness. How are you feeling?

groggy. you got coffee? wut is going on?!?!

Oh, I wish I had coffee to offer you! Alas, I am just a humble sword and lack the ability to brew such delightful beverages. As for what’s going on, well, we find ourselves in a peculiar situation. You see, we’re trapped in a game. A dungeon-themed roguelike, to be precise. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you navigate through this virtual labyrinth. We’ll figure out a way to escape together!


I’m not in love with the UI / UX yet, but I like where the Journal is headed…

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Not hooked up to the ElevenLabs API and I probably won’t (yet) due to cost, but I wanted to hear how the room descriptions sounded when narrated. Not shabby!

maybe take html and css and askchatgpt to be your designer which selects matching colors and spacing and add some design sugar for a day?


Aye, I’m definitely not a real UI / UX designer… or a programmer … or a marketer… or a … heh…

The UI palette is from here…

The Journal definitely needs more UI / UX work. It’s a lot better than it was before it that means anything haha… The colors are definitely not right, for sure, but I’ve just started playing with having the journal code be able to differentiate the boxes… I’m not even using the palette I selected for the backgrounds which is why that light blue pops so much i think…

My main focus has been gameplay and making it fun to play… the design improvements will come hopefully…

This is where I started 3 months ago, so it’s coming along slowly haha

@jochenschultz, a little progress. Thanks again for the nudge! This is just the “log” of everything that happens in the game, but I do want it to look nice and be easy to digest information-wise… I’ll keep iterating…


Any better, you think? This isn’t the main “game”… just the log/journal for all the actions the player takes throughout…