LitRPG AI Dungeon Roguelike Powered by GPT-4 + DALLE3

Turning game play into narrative…


Gordo the Rogue awoke with a start in the Sunken Sanctum, a once-revered temple shrouded in darkness and submerged in water. His Level 1 status and paltry stats (HP: 100, STR: 5, INT: 7, DEX: 12, CHA: 9) left him feeling vulnerable and disoriented, unsure of how he ended up in this strange place. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Gordo spotted a necklace lying nearby and picked it up. The Necklace of Insight granted him +2 intelligence, +10 dexterity, and +7 charisma, boosting his confidence and determination.

As Gordo ventured further into the sanctuary, he stumbled upon various items, including a Healing Potion, Potion of Minera, and LitRPG Audiobook Chapter 1. He also discovered a mysterious plant called Wizard Weed, which, when consumed, temporarily boosted his magic abilities. The relics of the Sunken Sanctum whispered of a forgotten realm, a world submerged in chaos and darkness, and Gordo felt a growing resolve to uncover its secrets and restore balance.

Gordo’s exploration was interrupted by a Whispergeist, a Level 3 shadowy creature with 25 HP. The ghostly monster lunged at him, but Gordo’s enhanced dexterity allowed him to dodge the attack. He retaliated with a swift slash of his dagger, dealing 17 damage to the creature. The battle with the Whispergeist continued, with both opponents exchanging blows until Gordo emerged victorious, gaining 50 XP and inching closer to Level 2.

With each subsequent room, Gordo faced new challenges and unearthed forgotten treasures. He discovered a ring that granted +3 strength, +5 mana, and +6 wisdom, making him feel more powerful and resilient. Gordo’s skills and abilities grew in tandem with his inventory, and he began to sense a greater purpose to his quest: to restore the Sunken Sanctum to its former glory and confront the malevolent force that had ravaged the realm.

As Gordo delved deeper into the temple, he uncovered the tragic history of the Sunken Sanctum. The once-thriving civilization had been plunged into darkness by a powerful necromancer, who sought to claim its hidden power for himself. This necromancer had released a host of dark creatures into the temple, corrupting its once-sacred halls. Gordo felt a burning desire for revenge, fueled not only by his newfound strength but by an empathy for the people who had once worshipped in this forsaken place.

With each victory, Gordo’s confidence and determination grew, and he vowed to put an end to the necromancer’s tyranny. He had come to the Sunken Sanctum as a lost and fearful Level 1 rogue, but his journey had forged him into something more – a hero with the strength to face the darkness and bring hope to a forgotten realm.

In the final, vast laboratory, Gordo confronted the necromancer. Their battle was fierce, with the fate of the realm hanging in the balance. Gordo’s persistence, ingenuity, and hard-earned skills were put to the test as he fought against the necromancer and his dark minions. Ultimately, Gordo emerged victorious, leveling up and restoring peace and light to the Sunken Sanctum.

Gordo the Rogue, once an inexperienced adventurer, had persevered against the odds and become a true hero. The legacy of the Sunken Sanctum was saved, and the realm could begin to heal. As Gordo left the temple, he couldn’t help but wonder what other quests awaited him, eager to face new challenges and continue his journey as a seasoned and valiant rogue.


You are trapped in Tower of Gates: Hidden the Forgotten Realm Hidden, a A LitRPG by Paul Bellow

Player wakes up in The Sunken Sanctum…

A once revered temple shrouded in darkness and submerged in water, inhabited by the ghosts of its devout worshippers and concealing long-lost knowledge within its secret chambers and flooded passageways.

Player picks up Necklace of +2 int and +10 dex and +7 cha

ROOM 1 (Entrance Room)
As you open your eyes, you realize that you are lying on the ground in a large, strangely-shaped room. Your memory is a blur, and you have no idea how you ended up here. The room is dimly lit, and water drips from the ceiling, echoing through the chamber. The air is thick with a musty smell, and you can just barely make out the shapes of strange markings etched into the walls. You can feel the weight of history in this place, and an ancient power seems to be emanating from the very stones. As you take in your surroundings, you feel a sense of both intrigue and foreboding. What secrets might this sunken sanctuary hold? And what dangers might be lurking in the shadows? You steel yourself to venture forth, hoping to uncover the mysteries of this place and perhaps regain your lost memory.

Player picks up Healing Potion

Player picks up Potion of Minera

Player picks up LitRPG Audiobook Chapter 1

Player picks up Wizard Weed

Whispergeist MISSES player

Player picks up Potion of Slime

Whispergeist SCRATCHES player for 1 damage

Player SCRATCHES the Whispergeist for 17 damage!

(Whispergeist has 8 health remaining)

Whispergeist SCRATCHES player for 3 damage

Player MISSES the Whispergeist (8)

Whispergeist MISSES player

ROOM 2 (Huge, Round, Treasure Chamber)
As you enter this massive chamber, you can sense the weight of its history and importance. The walls are curved and oddly-shaped, as if the room was once a natural cave that was later repurposed for this sacred purpose. The air is thick and heavy, with a strange smell that seems to emanate from the very walls themselves. The smell of death is unmistakable, causing your stomach to churn and your heart to beat faster. Despite this ominous feeling, your eyes are drawn to a single painting on the far wall. It’s a masterpiece, depicting a group of devout worshippers gathered around a massive treasure hoard, their faces filled with awe and reverence. And indeed, as you look closer, you can see that this room is indeed filled with treasure of every kind - piles of gold, glittering gems, ornate weapons and armor, and ancient artifacts of untold power. But as you marvel at this wealth, you cannot shake the feeling of unease that permeates the air. What happened to those who once guarded this chamber? And what secrets lay hidden within these walls, waiting to be discovered by a brave adventurer like yourself? The only way to find out is to continue exploring this sunken sanctum, even if

Player MISSES the Whispergeist (8)

Whispergeist MISSES player

Player SCRATCHES the Whispergeist for 19 damage!

(Whispergeist has -11 health remaining)

Whispergeist MISSES player

Player MISSES the Whispergeist (-11)

Whispergeist MISSES player

Player picks up LitRPG Audiobook Chapter 2

Player picks up Armor of +4 str and +8 health and +3 dex

Player MISSES the Krypther (20)

Krypther SCRATCHES player for 0 damage

Player SCRATCHES the Krypther for 18 damage!

(Krypther has 2 health remaining)

Krypther SCRATCHES player for 0 damage

Player MISSES the Krypther (2)

Krypther SCRATCHES player for 0 damage

Player SCRATCHES the Krypther for 13 damage!

(Krypther has -11 health remaining)

Krypther MISSES player

ROOM 3 (a room full of gold, gems, and treasure chests)
As you enter this room, you are immediately struck by the glittering sight before you. On every surface of the room, there are piles of gold, gems, and treasure chests spilling over with riches. The smell of death lingers in the air, reminding you that danger could be lurking around any corner. In the corner of the room, you notice a fancy painting that seems to have weathered the test of time, though it’s hard to tell what it depicts in the dim light. Strange noises echo through the room, and you can hear the sounds of a monster lurking in the shadows. As you approach the treasure, you can’t help but wonder what secrets this room holds and what dangers you may face. Tread carefully, adventurer.

Player picks up Ring of +3 str and +5 mana and +6 wis

Player picks up LitRPG Audiobook Chapter 3

Player picks up Potion of Minera

Player MISSES the Obliviwisp (25)

Obliviwisp MISSES player

Player SCRATCHES the Obliviwisp for 16 damage!

(Obliviwisp has 9 health remaining)

Obliviwisp MISSES player

Player SCRATCHES the Obliviwisp for 10 damage!

(Obliviwisp has -1 health remaining)

Obliviwisp MISSES player

Kobalisk MISSES player

Player SCRATCHES the Kobalisk for 15 damage!

(Kobalisk has 5 health remaining)

Kobalisk MISSES player

ROOM 4 (Big, Round, Celestial Atrium)
As you step into this room, you are struck by its grandeur. The round walls are adorned with intricate celestial carvings, and the ceiling stretches high above you like a starry night sky. But something is off, you notice a strange smell that makes your stomach turn. The air is thick with an eerie feeling that sends shivers down your spine. You hear faint scratching sounds from behind the walls, and the distant sound of ritualistic singing echoes off the walls. It seems as though the spirits of the temple’s past worshippers are still present here, restless and unwilling to leave. You wonder what secrets this room holds and what challenges lie ahead as you continue on your quest deeper into the Sunken Sanctum. The anxiety of what is to come grips you, and you take a deep breath to gather your courage and carry on.

Player SCRATCHES the Kobalisk for 15 damage!

(Kobalisk has -10 health remaining)

Kobalisk SCRATCHES player for 0 damage

Player MISSES the Awkward Aardvark (10)

Awkward Aardvark SCRATCHES player for -1 damage

Player MISSES the Awkward Aardvark (10)

Awkward Aardvark MISSES player

Player SCRATCHES the Awkward Aardvark for 18 damage!

(Awkward Aardvark has -8 health remaining)

Awkward Aardvark SCRATCHES player for -1 damage

Player picks up LitRPG Audiobook Chapter 6

Player picks up Armor of +7 baseDefense and +5 baseAttack

Player MISSES the Krypther (20)

Krypther MISSES player

Player MISSES the Krypther (20)

Krypther MISSES player

Krypther SCRATCHES player for -1 damage

Player MISSES the Krypther (20)

Krypther SCRATCHES player for -3 damage

Player MISSES the Krypther (20)

Krypther SCRATCHES player for -5 damage

Player MISSES the Krypther (20)

Krypther SCRATCHES player for -4 damage

Player SCRATCHES the Krypther for 24 damage!

(Krypther has -4 health remaining)

Krypther SCRATCHES player for -2 damage

Player SCRATCHES the Krypther for 18 damage!

(Krypther has -22 health remaining)

Krypther MISSES player

Player picks up Potion of Deluge

Player picks up Shield of +8 wis

Player picks up LitRPG Audiobook Chapter 8

ROOM 5 (Big, Normal, Wizard’s Sanctum)
As you enter the room, you feel an immediate weight bearing down on your shoulders. The air is thick with the scent of ancient incense and damp, musty earth. The walls are lined with shelves filled with strange artifacts and old tomes, and a large, ornate painting hangs over a grand fireplace at the far end of the room. The painting depicts a group of robed figures holding hands in a circle, with their eyes closed and heads bowed in prayer. As you take in the room, you hear the faint sound of singing coming from somewhere within. It’s a haunting melody that sends chills down your spine. You also catch a whiff of a strange smell, like rotting vegetation mixed with something sickly sweet. But your attention is abruptly diverted as you hear the sounds of a monster, growling and snarling somewhere in the distance. You realize that you are not alone in this room. What kind of creature could it be? You’re not sure, but you know one thing for certain: you must tread carefully if you want to survive the Sunken Sanctum.

Player picks up Necklace of +10 glowRange

ROOM 18 (Huge, Strange, Laboratory)
As you step into this mysterious laboratory, you’re immediately struck by the size of the room and the strange sounds emanating from within. The walls are lined with shelves holding all manner of beakers, vials, and jars, filled with unidentifiable substances. Strange, eerie noises echo throughout, created by machines whirring and bubbling away in the corners of the room. The air is thick with the smell of smoke and chemicals. Suddenly, you hear the sound of scratching and shuffling from behind one of the tables. You feel a chill down your spine as you realize you are not alone in this room. Could it be one of the spirits that still haunt this place? Or something even more sinister? As you prepare yourself for what’s to come, you can’t help wondering what secrets this strange, immense laboratory could be hiding.

Can you turn the above into a LitRPG fictional narrative… 3rd person, past tense, with the “Player” being named Gordo the Rogue…

Latest update…

short gameplay video… it’s coming together…

Love these! can I ask what sort of prompt you gave to create this style? think this whole project is very cool, will be following for updates

sorry, I was referring to these images in particular - thought I responded to that specific post

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That one’s a secret sauce that took dozens of hours to perfect.

Here’s another one you can use, though!

small set of 4 images (32 pixels) magic fantasy dungeon master character icon avatar (white beard and light blue glowing robes) (photorealistic illustration) (gamedev) (Unreal Engine 5) (game ready icon assets) (black background)

Remember to experiment with your prompts.

… that shrunk down to 32 pixels actual heh…

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Thanks Paul! I find Dall-e 2 quite frustrating, it’s results are rarely consistent for me, can’t wait until they upgrade the API to the experimental version that’s being used on Bing.

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Yeah, that’s the exp version, but it’s not live yet… I’m hoping soon, but I also don’t want them to rush it too much? Feel free to start a new thread in prompting if you’re looking for advice/tips!

speedrun of a level…

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A short gameplay video… player can now descend to deeper depths… also shows the “Journal” after around 100 turns of gameplay… more to come!


working on a basic AI shopkeeper mechanic… i think to start i’ll raise or lower price depending on mood of shopkeeper which is based on player chats + player charisma + number of sales from player? and if shopkeep gets too angry he becomes an NPC and attacks?


I absolutely love the idea of this, not only generated content but mood specific, adds such a deep layer of realism to the encounters, would change how you play the game… really like this as a concept.

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Thanks! I wanted to have it handle inventory, but that got a bit too chaotic. Now, though, it will lower prices if he’s happy or raise prices if he’s sad. If he gets too mad, he will close up shop and attack! lol

Figuring out how to handle pricing is going to be a big hurdle, i think…I’m getting close, though!

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You should use an erp system for that. Each trader is a supplier and you can have supply / demand logic too.
Love the whole project.

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Latest update… broke the NPC attack mechanic, but I think I’ve got it figured out. Added more NPCs… new moderation endpoint is kicking in a lot too…

ETA: FIXED the NPC mechanic…

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Ooh. Good idea. I’m trying to keep it simple as feature-creep is real haha…

Bagel Memory: meow We once found the Sword of Infinite Yarn, remember?

You are in room 3 on depth 2, Large, Strange, Timeless Archive

You explore a hallway where the air grows colder with each step. The chilling atmosphere seems to seep into your bones.

You are in a room. Dungeon Depth: 2 ROOM 8 (Large, Normal, Workroom)
As you step into the room, a sudden chill permeates the air, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. The room stretches out before you, a large rectangular space filled with remnants of a forgotten time. Time seems to lose its grasp here, the flow of seconds and minutes becoming elusive. Glimmers of daylight pass through cracks in the walls, casting eerie shadows upon the mummified corpses that lie scattered about.

Stone pillars stand tall and proud, their weathered surfaces bearing the weight of centuries past. Ancient runes are etched into their surfaces, whispering tales of forgotten lore and lost knowledge. The room itself feels like a workroom, a place where secrets were once held and tasks were completed.

You can’t help but wonder what powerful sorceries or trials this room was once a witness to. As you continue down the halls of the Balamingro, be wary of the hidden chambers and the guardians that lie in wait within these crumbling passages, eager to protect the secrets of this ancient fortress.

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Then how about using a headless multishop? Nothing huge, nothing you really have to invent.

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Maybe? The idea right now is to have a shop every level or so (a dr who like shopkeeper - or multiple ones)… i want to get players in to help me decide where to go … that’s a good idea, though!

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Tombstones, worn and weathered, dot the chamber, their inscriptions illegible. Lurking behind these eerie obstacles, danger lurks in the shadows… …some more dalle2 tiles…

I’m feeding chatgpt-turbo item info if there’s items drawn in the room more closely now…