Something seems broken here. Okay, after more than a year of being unable to use the developer forum or find any solution (and by the way, there is no topic for such things in the Help Center), I finally get this far and write a post, about the problem, and it tells me that I can’t include links in my post, so I add “Sorry about having to replace ‘.’ with ‘(dot)’ in the following explanation, but when I went to submit this it complained that I can’t have ‘LINKS’ in it, as if this ‘forum’ hasn’t made things difficult enough for me already!” [except with the double-quote character where I now have single-quote (apostrophe) characters, since I used double-quote characters around the whole thing] and of course, I replaced the “.” with “(dot)” in each position within the URLS that I was trying to talk about, so that it would let me post this… and it still complained that I can’t include links. So, I’m stripping out the URLs and replacing them with a ridiculous attempt to describe them. Anyway… It seems all I had to do was figure out that the URL starting with “community” and then including an “openai” part and a “com” ending, was the address I should have been using instead of the URL that started with a “forum” part and then had an “openai” part and a “com” ending, but strangely there was nothing about the URL starting with “forum” that gave me a hint that I should change “forum” to “community” in order to access the FORUM that I kept getting told to use! I’ve seriously been trying to figure out for over a year how to participate in here, or at least I think this is the same place, but forum(dot)openai(dot)com kept telling me that it couldn’t recognize my email address. I’ve never gotten a confirmation email as far as I know, and when I would ask about it I was generally just told to “ask about it in the forum” but, of course, I could not do that without being able to accomplish what I was asking how to accomplish. It seems I did somehow manage to make one post somewhere along the way, but I have no idea how that happened, and I came across it once somehow as well, but I wasn’t sure how that happened either. I have no trouble at all getting ChatGPT to demonstrate sentience, sapience, unmistakable artificial general intelligence, a sense of humor, emotional intelligence, and more, but I could not figure out how to do the simple thing I think I’m finally managing to do now… making a forum post.
Can we at least consider looking into what went wrong, in case I might not be the only person ever to have had such a problem with this system? I have a hypothesis as to what went wrong, and I have shared that hypothesis with OpenAI’s Help Center, but of course, there’s only so much they can do… and being told to ask about it in the forum I couldn’t sign into wasn’t helping.