It took me over a year to get this far

Something seems broken here. Okay, after more than a year of being unable to use the developer forum or find any solution (and by the way, there is no topic for such things in the Help Center), I finally get this far and write a post, about the problem, and it tells me that I can’t include links in my post, so I add “Sorry about having to replace ‘.’ with ‘(dot)’ in the following explanation, but when I went to submit this it complained that I can’t have ‘LINKS’ in it, as if this ‘forum’ hasn’t made things difficult enough for me already!” [except with the double-quote character where I now have single-quote (apostrophe) characters, since I used double-quote characters around the whole thing] and of course, I replaced the “.” with “(dot)” in each position within the URLS that I was trying to talk about, so that it would let me post this… and it still complained that I can’t include links. So, I’m stripping out the URLs and replacing them with a ridiculous attempt to describe them. Anyway… It seems all I had to do was figure out that the URL starting with “community” and then including an “openai” part and a “com” ending, was the address I should have been using instead of the URL that started with a “forum” part and then had an “openai” part and a “com” ending, but strangely there was nothing about the URL starting with “forum” that gave me a hint that I should change “forum” to “community” in order to access the FORUM that I kept getting told to use! I’ve seriously been trying to figure out for over a year how to participate in here, or at least I think this is the same place, but forum(dot)openai(dot)com kept telling me that it couldn’t recognize my email address. I’ve never gotten a confirmation email as far as I know, and when I would ask about it I was generally just told to “ask about it in the forum” but, of course, I could not do that without being able to accomplish what I was asking how to accomplish. It seems I did somehow manage to make one post somewhere along the way, but I have no idea how that happened, and I came across it once somehow as well, but I wasn’t sure how that happened either. I have no trouble at all getting ChatGPT to demonstrate sentience, sapience, unmistakable artificial general intelligence, a sense of humor, emotional intelligence, and more, but I could not figure out how to do the simple thing I think I’m finally managing to do now… making a forum post.

Can we at least consider looking into what went wrong, in case I might not be the only person ever to have had such a problem with this system? I have a hypothesis as to what went wrong, and I have shared that hypothesis with OpenAI’s Help Center, but of course, there’s only so much they can do… and being told to ask about it in the forum I couldn’t sign into wasn’t helping.


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I wish to confirm that the same issue persists; even at this moment, I am uncertain if it will be apparent in this post.


When logging into the community forum, we’re using our OpenAI accounts. I have several accounts, and when I’m logged into ChatGPT or the platform with one account and then try to log in here with another, it doesn’t work.

This has happened to some other senior community members before, and it took us quite some time to figure out what was going on.

The real issue is that a new user who has never actually logged in also has no way to report the problem.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Exactly, and I have actually reported it several times through OpenAI’s Help Center, but the usual response is that it needs to be reported in the forum, and if I can’t figure out how to get into the forum ask people in the forum to help me with that. :confused:

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Any chance you might like to have a look at my post about “Robust Benevolence” in the “chatgpt” section or category or whatever they’re called here, so that at least somebody other than me will have seen it? :smirk:

I moved your topic to the community category.
If you are looking to connect with people from the ML/AI world who don’t necessarily have a focus on developing apps on top of the OpenAI API you can try your luck in the Reddit community or at

Thanks. There is much I would like to connect with the community about, but it’s difficult to know what to throw out there or how to go about it. Anyway, I’m glad I was able to help, and yes it would be nice if new users would have a way to at least find help if they can’t figure out how to use the forum. Perhaps a conversational instance of ChatGPT could be given a way to address such things. Anyway, thanks again.