Issue with Number Comparison in ChatGPT


I have encountered an issue with ChatGPT regarding number comparison.

When I asked “Please compare the numbers 9.11 and 9.9 and determine which is larger,” ChatGPT incorrectly responded that 9.11 is greater than

9.9. Mathematically, 9.11 1s less than

9.9 because the decimal part of 9.11

(0.11) is smaller than that of 9.9


I hope you can improve the logic for number comparison in the model. Below is the specific conversation:

User: Please compare the numbers 9.11 and 9.9 and determine which is larger.

ChatGPT: Mathematically, 9.11 is greater than 9.9.

Thank you!


I guess they castrated the model to keep kids away from cheating in classroom. However they’re failing spectacularly since other models are outperforming them. They better keep it at its full potential.

Well even the tiny Qwen 3B does it right almost all the time.
It’s probably not a castration, simply banning kids to use AI would be a more reasonable option.
OpenAI actually said that only people above 13 can use ChatGPT.