Bug with chat gpt 3.5 and 4

If you ask chatgpt 4 to count the occurrences of names within a piece of text it always gives the wrong answer and I have no idea why. For example, if you have a list of peoples names who joined 10 meetings, and paste it into chatgpt, and ask it to count the occurrences of each name, it always gets it wrong. When you correct it is understands, but it never gets the number of occurrences right first time.

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Chat GPT, being a language model is not so good at maths. Unless given a few examples and some chain of thought prompting, it is unlikely to get the answer right. Even with the best techniques right now, the best accuracy is still somewhere around 70 % i believe.

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As stated during the ChatGPT 4 unveiling event, ChatGPT is not a calculator. As such answers are on a ‘likelyhood’ basis not calculated.

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