ISSUE/BUG: Stored Completions not working - completions not appearing in the dashboard

I’m trying to get Stored Completions working but they aren’t appearing in the dashboard. I’ll explain how I’m testing this and share the exact request I’m making. Haven’t found anything useful search this forum or web in general. From what I’ve read it doesn’t seem like there’s anything funky we need to do. Other indicate it has just worked. Any idea on what could be the issue or how to further troubleshoot.

I’m testing it with Postman/Curl calls. I’ve created a new project and API key. Chat completion request created using these are successful, returning completions. In the dashboard I see requests in usage > activity (nothing else is using this project and API key). Afaik our account doesn’t have any zero retention agreement. Have tried with 4o and o1-preview. stream true and false. With and without org and project headers.

Here a curl of the request:

curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  -d '{
    "model": "gpt-4o",
    "messages": [
            "role": "system",
            "content": "You are a corporate IT support expert."
            "role": "user",
            "content": "How can I hide the dock on my Mac?"
    "stream": false,
    "store": true,
    "metadata": {
        "role": "manager",
        "department": "accounting",
        "source": "homepage"

also reported in this thread at the same time Chat Completions stopped being stored in the Dashboard since October 28th


I’m having the same issue. Also being reported in post #1000731 which I can’t link to unfortunately (search for title " Chat Completions stopped being stored in the Dashboard since October 28th")


Also having the same issue, hopefully they fix it soon!

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They worked great for me - but stopped for some reason yesterday with no changes to code. It’s not you … :slight_smile:


I’m having the same issue. I had been making heavy use of this feature all month but they stopped working today. Hope it gets fixed.


Heh- I’ve been staring at your older post about the API key issue, trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong!
Glad to hear its not just me experiencing the problem, thanks


Thanks for taking the time to report this, I’ve let OpenAI know there is an issue.


thanks for responding folks. gtk it’s not just us :slight_smile:

@Foxalabs thanks for filing the report.

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Looks like the problem has not been resolved yet.
anyone has got any updates?

I wonder if there is a maximum on the number of completions that can be stored using the store parameter in their API?

@miqdad, I saw you made the announcement of stored completions on this forum. Do you have any updates or info on the issue discussed here? tnks!


@moreno1 we have never stored any. this is the first time trying. so not a limit thing. just broken.

I did see a post from some third party person that this feature is basically off the back of the 30day retention for monitoring/safety therefore that 30days is the max retention. But no idea if that’s true.

likewise we’ve never stored any completions, unluckily enough was just setting them up when we ran into this issue

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I’m also facing the same issue, waiting for updates.

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Yep facing the same issue, have also reached out on live chat and support@ to no avail. Really frustrating as I am keen to start using this feature!

Day 7 here of no completions stored…(among a host of other issues…)

Replying here as well to bump this thread and hopefully get the attention of the dev team. This is blocking ongoing work - would love to have this fixed ASAP. Thanks!

These just popped up again for me - actually looks like they have been stored, just weren’t showing up in the dashboard. I’ve got a whole weeks worth…

Hi all, sorry for this hiccup here, and thank you for raising the issue. Our team just restored this functionality, and stored completions should be back up and running - let us know if there are any other issues!

cc: @miqdad


Thanks that works for me. Just a quick question: is there any API endpoint to access the stored completions (for an internal distillation tool)?

No public-facing endpoint just yet, but stay tuned for updates!

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That would be cool to leverage that functionality within our own in-house apps. The main reason is sometimes it is really easy just to quickly update the completion manually and mark as validated by human to include in training samples. Also the app uses rag engine to bring up similar completions for the operator to refer to. So far we’ve been storing all the completions on training (internal) runs locally to feed the training app, but if we could use an endpoint to access the completions stored for distillation that would be great.