Hi Karenli,
I am still experiencing the issue. See screenshot below:
The output to the API for all completions was not empty and in the correct json format requested.
great. we can see completions in the dashboard now. cheers
Hi, I’m experiencing this today with the API. I have double check that store: true
in my requests, I’ve checked that the requests are successfully handled by OpenAI and I get back a successful response. I’ve tried with different API keys with different projects under my organization (of which I’m owner), and I have double-checked that the API keys have all permissions and that I do have permissions to see chat completions, but they still won’t show after hours. Is there anyone else experiencing this, or is it just me?
The solution doesn’t work for me. Chat completions are missing for Dec 27th, 28th, 29th 2024.
@karenli we are still facing this issue? Do you guys have any suggestions? Sam as @obrizan we are not seeing our chat completions in the dashboard.
Same here, those completions are not showing up.
+1 No completions in Dashboard after Dec 27th
I still cannot use the storage chat completion function normally
the problem persist today Dec 30th 2024
Can I join? No completions here since Dec. 26.
Hi, thanks for surfacing this - as shown on the status page (https://status.openai.com/), we had some operational issues on 12/26, but we are now looking into this new issue with stored completions. Will circle back with an update, appreciate your patience!
@obrizan @chirag2 @juan.mugica @oleksii1 @h12 @nbravosiclaf @jim
You should be able to see missing completions now, please let us know if there are any further issues. Apologies for the trouble!
An unexpected error occurred: Failed to fetch, and a 500 error appeared.
Hm, this looks like a separate issue, I see the problem (I assume you are using the new o1 model?). I will push up a fix ASAP.
Can you send me your organization id? I’ll investigate and get back.
That’s the one with the anomaly, I’ve looked at another organization with no problem, maybe you can clean up the data, nothing important
Hi @h12, we’ve deployed a bugfix, let me know if the issue is resolved! Thanks!