Is temporary chat like an Incognito browser?

I’m just trying to get information about the temporary chats. Is that like an incognito web browser where it doesn’t retain the information in the chat once I exit from it?
What I’m trying to get at is, if I have a document with sensitive information in it that I don’t want uploaded and stored on the web, can I upload that pdf document into a 4o temporary chat, use Chat GPt to pull the non-sensitive information from the document, asking GPT to ignore the sensitive information, and then once I exit, is that information gone? Is that a safe(r) way to deal with documents with sensitive private information?

Welcome to the forum :mouse::rabbit::honeybee::heart::four_leaf_clover::infinity::arrows_counterclockwise:No, it just don’t generate a chat history so once it’s closed it’s gone and if you have user memory on it don’t change that either.

I am out of hearts but :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::infinity:

This is the feature you need. It is in settings

Also once you close any chat all data is gone. If you click it to off you won’t train public models anymore

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