Is it moral to crawl all the answers on stackoverflow and other websites to make profit

to use these data to make ai to make profit, people who tag the data can get money but people who create these data didn’t get anything and their creation is used to replace them

Ask the stock holders of all the public traded search engine companies (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, etc…)

All profit from crawling the entire web and offering a service.

OpenAI’s models are no different, generating profit off publicly available internet data to build a large language model (LLM).

That’s just “the way it is” … "Bruce Hornsby and the Range, 1986


but if your creation is popular you can get money from google or youtube, but chatgpt crawl your creation and don’t even give you a cent

That’s not true.

OpenAI has a different business model. In the current OpenAI business model, developers who use the OpenAI API to create apps are the ones who make money.


I means chatgpt use you creation as training data but it doesn’t give you a cent

ChatGPT (the website) is just a research beta released mostly as a marketing tool.

You don’t need to sign up for premium services if you don’t want. I basically use the API and rarely use the ChatGPT web site.

Also @wt19510826, your title says:

is it moral to crawl all the answers on stackoverflow and other websites to make profit

Does stackoverflow pay all the folks who answer questions there and generate content for them?

Take it easy :+1:
