iOS shortcut and function_call

Does anyone know how iOS shortcut can use function_call?

I developed a voice AI assistant for the iPhone using iOS shortcut, which leverages the shortcut functionality of iOS to enable communication with the AI through voice alone by calling the ChatGPT API.

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I’m wondering this too, haven’t been able to figure it out yet.

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Hi, there. I am trying to figure out same thing. Till now all what I made is let’s say “text manipulatio” functions - like for ex.: if user say something stupid answer in sarcastic way etc. It works and in respond json you can see that gpt call function and answer in a right way. For now i dont think is possible to run shortcut action directly from gpt but model could provide json format as output and based on this shortcut actions gonna make dictionary and run smth. For example if you say “write email to John with subjesct title Data report. Generate some nice answer including this information: (…)”. so gpt call for ex email function where you define that respons should be in json with keys match to: to: subject: body: etc. To search web is probably more difficoult but possible to make it.


I’m pretty late to this topic, but if anyone wants a way to replicate a function call in a shortcut, I’ve found a simple way. So far it only works with GPT-4 since 3.5 cannot properly determine when to “call” the functions. Here is the shortcut I made that can intuitively determine when to call functions: RoutineHub • Alpha

Edit 5/22/24
I was messing around the other day and figured out how to properly use tools now. Here is a sample if anyone is interested: Shortcuts

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Hi, your “Alpha” is awsome!! Let me study your shortcut. This is marvellous.

Very cool! I’m doing something similar with the Assistants API so you get persistence between sessions. What’s also cool about Shortcuts is that, with the Perplexity app and its associated Action, you can add web searching as a function as well.

What I do is have the assistant call its ‘search’ function, and then I give it a user response asking it for its search query. Then I take its query and feed that into the Perplexity action, and then give the Perplexity response back to the Assistant. And then it delivers its summary of the web search to the user.

It’s so cool to see other folks using Shortcuts with OpenAI. Did you also go crazy over Federico Viticci’s “S-GPT” last year like I did?

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Hi😃 Yes, I also developed several shortcuts using “Perplexity” action☺️

I am also developing “Auto Blog writing AI” using “WordPress” action in iOS shortcut.

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Thanks, have at it. Let me know if you have any questions.

Oh definitely lol, S-GPT was the inspiration. Been working on my own shortcuts ever since.

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