Interesting Details about OpenAI

I have actually been in contact with the better business bureau about their lackluster customer service. Needless to say they ignored bbb as well. That’s not the purpose of this topic. No, I ended up looking at their page on their. First off, they’re not bbb accredited, which I don’t know how significant that is, I haven’t had much experience. However, OpenAI is rated as a D- group by them due to having ignored 69 complaints so far. And they have the gall to claim they listen to their users.

In their defense, I’ve never actually heard them claim that :grin:

This forum is mainly just users helping each other deal with OpenAI’s quirks as best as we can.

Is there anything specific you needed addressed?

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Still waiting for the interesting part…

Interesting details about the Better Business Bureau. It is funded by and run by businesses. Pay-to-play. A way to make noisy consumers spin their wheels. The original Yelp salesman that promises to erase your bad reviews for cashola.


Haha, that’s actually pretty funny, no sarcasm here. Look, I don’t actually have much of an impression of BBB, more wanted to show how little OpenAI cares to legitimately communicate.

Well, the interesting part was mostly sarcasm than legit, it’s not interesting, it’s kind of beating the dead horse that openai doesn’t care, and making noise.

Oh I know about it’s purpose, I just know some of their actual people watch this so I’m trying to make noise about their worthless customer service. I apologize for dragging you guys into this. Frankly, I’m running out of avenues to get their attention. So many of the things wrong with the AI are the result of laziness and an unwillingness to listen. Their customer service is worse than Time Warner, the previous gold standard for crap service, which is pathetic.