Interaction Limits for ChatGPT-4

Chat GPT 4’s limit is 25-50 interactions per 3 hours in the free version according to ChatGPT. How come I get messages that I have reached the limit after 5, 8, 12, 14, or 16 interactions. “This seems unusual.” acknowledges ChatGPT. Is this normal and what is the reason for such discrepancy?

Hi @pablo888 :wave:
Welcome :people_hugging: to the community!

There is no a counter one by one to count prompts in ChatGPT to show how many prompt remains you can use.

But, there are some chrome browser extentions third party you can find.

Also you can visit to see an experience about free account limits:

Hi polepole and thanks for the reply.
I have asked the ChatGPT about the number of interactions (“prompts”, any user-initiated request for assistance or a task) for the free and paid versions of ChatGPT 4. The answer was 25-50 every 3 hours for the free version and 200 for the paid version. However, I am puzzled that ChatGPT indicates the limit after just 5 tp 16 prompts. When I ask about to conduct an analysis on the interactions and limits I get a message "It seems like I can’t do more advanced data analysis right now. Please try again later. " I tried for several days.

I am trying to figure out if it makes any sense to switch to the paid version but I am finding surprising the seemingly lack of transparency about this.

Because ChatGPT’s knowledge is cut off October 2023, it doesn’t have updated information even itself and on exact prompt numbers.

You can refer to the following links for details on the message limits for the paid versions. However, there is insufficient information regarding the number of prompts for the free version.

Also, you may visit following topic:

The free version allows only 3 file uploads daily, and after that, it notifies me that, based on my local time, I can return in 22 hours.

Many thanks for the links! However the matter is still not clear. See screen captures:

  1. ChatGPT indicates that the limit number of interactions per 3hrs is 25-50 for free version, 200 for paid version
  2. However, it can’t explain why thin all instances the limit was reached, the number of interactions was well below the 25–50 interactions per 3 hours range.
    As ChatGPT says, “It raises a legitimate concern about transparency in explaining the interaction limits, especially when the actual limit appears substantially lower than expected.” I put this screen capture in a different post as the system allows only one image per post.

Second image relevant to previous post.