What are message/prompts limits of GPT 4O for free users?
How many message/prompts can be generated by user in a fixed amount of time? and what is that amount of time , is it 24 hours or 3 hours or any other?
The limits are still measured by 3 hour intervals by conversation turns expiring after that time.
I ran up 10+. The use of GPT-4o is now not apparent from the top bar, and you have to use the model dropdown at the end of a message.
It is hard to tell if I triggered the cutoff by testing the tools, where web browsing has now been removed. Teaching it to send to tool recipients and calling python by providing my own tool descriptions now seems to have a handler to upgrade, so any GPT you can use in the future is just going to be an advertisement:
The gpt-3.5-turbo now dumb compared to past versions of API models:
What i am able to understand from your response is that there is no exact number regarding limits of promts ? if yes, what are most probably the factors that determine limits of number of prompts?
Can you please elaborate here what you mean?
The top bar in the user interface for ChatGPT Plus users allows them to directly select GPT-4 (a turbo version), GPT-4o, or GPT-3.5.
In contrast, the free version, unlike days ago, now only shows “ChatGPT” or “Upgrade to Plus” at the top of a chat.
The change threw me for a bit, and I had to ask AI a question and then intuit from a model selector at the end of a response (that can resubmit to a different model) which one was actually used. The same when starting a new chat with all gpt-4o used for the usage period - one has to go to this one button to find what was used and see that you then can’t resubmit immediately to GPT-4o.
ChatGPT Plus:
What i am able to understand from your response is that there is no exact number regarding limits of promts ? if yes, what are most probably the factors that determine limits of number of prompts?
They only said it is 1/5 the usage of plus, and can be adjusted dynamically based on load.
Here’s the site with lots of help.
I was able to get 10 prompts before it said I have to wait until the next day 12:30pm, I used my 10 prompts around 8:00pm - 8:15pm