I’m trying to get the same image from the same prompt.
But when I insert the seed parameters in the following way, it gets an error…
%%%%%%%%%%% this one works %%%%%%%%%
var openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);
exports.endpoint = async function(request, response) {
var prompt_by_p = “XXXXXXX”
var created_img = await openai.createImage({
prompt: prompt_by_p,
size: “256x256”,
%%%%%%%%%%% this one does not work %%%%%%%%%
var openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);
exports.endpoint = async function(request, response) {
var prompt_by_p = “XXXXXXX”
var created_img = await openai.createImage({
prompt: prompt_by_p,
size: “256x256”,
seed: “123”
I tried changing the seed parameters as integer but still not working.
Could you help me what to do?