How OpenAi can win "The Future"

I’ve spent my life in branding and design, building trust in ways that stick, getting people to buy things they didn’t really need, and contributing to climate damage as I sleepwalked through my career. But not anymore—today, I’m not here to sell anything—just an idea that could change the game, your game. We’re all chasing AGI, but here’s the inconvenient truth: AGI can’t happen without a critical mass of diverse human input. And we’re far from that. To get there, we need more than clever algorithms—we need to build trust in the minds of the collective human condition.

We need to learn from everyone: from tyrannical dictators to Nobel Peace Prize winners, from 18-year-old terrorists to choir boys in Ohio, from a budding Banksy in Shoreditch to a villager in rural India. In fact, we need the world to trust us.

And the solution? Easy. Elegantly simple. Separate user data from AI’s learning. Let AI keep the insights, the abstract patterns—those belong to the learning journey. But give people absolute control over their raw data. Delete it, transfer it, sell it—it’s theirs, not ours. This isn’t just ethical; it’s strategic. It’s how we build trust on a scale that can shift the entire landscape. Trust is the real currency on the path to AGI.

So here’s my challenge: will OpenAI bet on humanity, or against it? I ask this because, with every branding instinct in me, I know the first to win trust in this space will win the future. And last I checked, the future is the biggest prize of all. Are we smart enough—or willing enough—to take the first step? To be brave enough to redefine what it means to build AI for the world? Because if we don’t, we risk losing AGI to an echo chamber. And by definition, that’s the exact opposite of AGI, right?

Betting on humanity means embracing the messy, unpredictable, and beautifully diverse. It’s the only way to reflect the true complexity of life. The real prize? Trust. And trust isn’t just good ethics—it’s good business. It’s the only path to AGI—it’s that simple. Trust will turn skeptics into believers, and the disconnected into engaged partners.

So, what are we afraid of? Losing control? Or losing the chance to build something we’ve promised on the tin? If we can’t make this bet, we’ll miss the greatest opportunity of our time: to win the hearts and minds of the very people AGI needs to learn from, and make it so.

Let’s be the first. Let’s do what others won’t. Because the business that wins the future is the one brave enough to bet on everyone.

Let’s not just talk about the future— with this elegant separation of ownership - Open Ai can win the future, And AGI!

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We’re all invested in the journey to AGI, but there’s a challenge we need to address: data protection. The path to AGI isn’t just paved with powerful algorithms and advanced technology—it’s built on trust. And right now, trust is our biggest barrier. AGI requires diverse, rich human input to reflect the full spectrum of human experience, but we won’t get there unless people feel safe sharing their data.

Here’s the solution: Separate user data from AI’s learning process. Let AI retain the insights and abstract patterns necessary for its evolution, but ensure that individuals maintain absolute control over their personal data. Users should have the right to delete, transfer, or even sell their data—it’s theirs, not ours. This approach doesn’t just address privacy concerns; it builds the foundation of trust that’s essential for the future of AI.

Imagine an AI ecosystem where data protection isn’t just an afterthought but the cornerstone of how we engage with the world. By giving people control over their data, we empower them to be part of the AI learning journey without fear. It’s not just ethical; it’s a strategic imperative that will allow us to tap into the diverse perspectives needed for AGI.

This approach isn’t just about meeting regulatory requirements—it’s about setting the gold standard for AI ethics and creating a model that others will follow. The first company to fully embrace this principle will win the hearts and minds of users worldwide, establishing a trust-based relationship that’s crucial for AGI.

Let’s not lose sight of what’s at stake. To achieve AGI, we need the world to engage with us. And the only way to get there is by making data protection a priority. It’s time to redefine our approach, separate data from learning, and bet on humanity. This is the solution that will enable our path to AGI.

Let’s lead the way. Let’s do what’s right—and in doing so, let’s win the future.