Discussion about the future of AI

OpenAI has openly acknowledged the impacts and risks associated with AI and AGI. Can this forum please have a category for discussion about this topic, since it seriously impacts the entire future of humanity. The OpenAI board care strongly about this topic, but it’s not reflected here.

I love technology and never expected to experience the current level of AI intelligence within my lifetime. Yet, already a single prompt can generate many lines of code without the requester having any knowledge of coding. Soon, the code will become irrelevant and requests will be answered without us caring about the code, much like we use electricity without everyone knowing how it works. And then, AI solutions will be making the requests to other AI solutions within an AI knowledge explosion and humanity will stop being the smartest on the planet - which is already happening. AI is advancing at a superior rate to humans.

I thought my job would be safe as I deal with people, but now I realise, that AI can do a better job. Corporates will take the cheapest approach by replacing humans with AI for profitability. The wealthy and corporations will pay to have access to significantly better grades of AI, thus expanding the gap between rich and poor. And that’s why people are talking about humans needing a universal income.

This sounds like the opening of a Terminator movie, but these aren’t the views of a nutter sprouting conspiracy theory. This is the certain challenge ahead of us. And the OpenAI organisation has been having these discussions too, which apparently lead to their recent high profile organisational conflicts. The scales are weighing technological advancement against the best interests of humans and it seems inevitable that technological advances will advance.

Merry Christmas.


I do agree with your raised concerns and there’s plenty more to be addressed. Even the phycological impact on our wellbeing and ability to adapt, as we go through this rapid transition and change. I also love all the new sophisticated tech stuff and the possible benefits, however we must not ignore the dangers it can bring with it. The universal law, as we know, shows that in order to gain - we must be willing to sacrifice something… So the question is what exactly are we going to give up? And discussions like this one should take place, where people can share freely their thoughts and experiences and effect on them personally and their lifes, raising awareness among ourselves. No one will be able to help us with that but ourselves. ( As the machine which tells you: “I know how you feel”, or “I understand you” without the ability to do so and the emotional backup, it produces an illusion, merely a set of pleasant words. And I am not talking about personal interactions. Imagine going to see a phycologist at your local GP, are you really going to get the satisfaction of being heard and understood? I guess that is why the race is on for creating that AGI in the shortest time possible. Not just for scientific advancements but to keep the public’s interest going. Because the limitations just might put out that spark. And training it on synthetic data is not the same as the real deal, at least not for the emotional side if there to be one in the future. I am not a scientist ( unfortunately :grin:), but I like to think of myself as a freethinking mind using my logic and intuition. So would love to hear other views and reflections. Best wishes to all!