More specifically: which GPTs have effectively monetized and how?
Also, is the revenue sharing with OpenAI a real thing yet?
More specifically: which GPTs have effectively monetized and how?
Also, is the revenue sharing with OpenAI a real thing yet?
The revenue sharing is being tested with a few creators of the most popular GPTs. For now it is for US based creators only.
I’m trying different things. With AILC BioChem GPT I’m charging a monthly subscription. I do have paying subscribers… wouldn’t think this is the right model though… Right now it’s kind of at break-even.
I am a proponent of doing pre-paid micropayment.
10$ gives you (the user) 1000 credits. Each action in a custom GPT is 1 credit (optionally this could be more advanced, when certain actions cost more).
And then all GPT developers who opt in could have their GPT be added to a library of GPTs so from the user’s perspective it would work like Netflix: pick anything you want. When you run out of credits top up your account.
10 and 1000 are just arbitrary numbers for the same of the example… can be whatever $ amount makes sense… or developers could set their prices in credits.
Cool! Does the ChatGPT store already allow ways to see and manage users or is this monthly subscription based on “honor system”? I mean if someone stops paying , how do you remove his access? For payments I suppose you take them outside ChatGPT, right?
oh, the pre-paid model I’m describing is not implemented yet.
for monthly subscription I’ve used PluginLabs and recently Kobble
Building with ChatGPT
Shared GPTs allow you to use ChatGPT to build experiences for others. Because your GPT’s users are also OpenAI users, when building with ChatGPT, we have the following service-specific policies in addition to our Universal Policies:
b. Soliciting or collecting the following sensitive identifiers, security information, or their equivalents: payment card information (e.g. credit card numbers or bank account information), government identifiers (e.g., SSNs), API keys, or passwords
No because it was a lie.
Just like their unnecessary updates which have made GPT unusable for 3 months.
He was much more efficient on the day of release.
of course you can charge for GPTs
it’s NOT against any policy
I just shared the policy it is likely against.
Beyond that, you really shouldn’t be charging someone for using someone else’s service.
But, I’m not your dad, you be you and I’ll be me.
To me it really looks like this is not supposed to happen because it is possible to report a GPT for trying to get the user to pay for something.
We are essentially waiting for the monetization feature to go live for all creators.
GPTs support OAuth. It’s up to you to authenticate and authorize the users. I think it is pretty simple: you only authorize your subscribers. The payment handling and everything related is handled outside of the GPT.
Revenue share alone will not solve monetization. It will favor the AI Girl Companion style attention grabbers…
We need some sort of micro payments.
I have a custom GPT in the store that is free… waiting for the revenue share to kick in.
good ratings and over a thousand conversations…
While it costs me to host the backend I haven’t made a cent with it… and from the looks of it, I’m not going to.
If OpenAI does not figure out how to incentivize the developer community then people will leave.
The other problem is that I thought having a chatGPT Plus subscription would be much more common among people. It’s not. So it’s a barrier to entry for builder trying to find customers.
I have not been able to create a custom gpt that meets my requirements. In addition, to my surprise and dismay, the quality of gpt responses has deteriorated considerably recently. I am still hoping for openai technology and believe that I will be able to create my own custom gpt that will be able to respond to user requests in a quality manner.
Have you thought to build an APP/service and connect your GPT via an API? (There you would be able to charge people via 3rd player like payal/appstore etc).
I’m in the same boat. I have a Book Search GPT with similar numbers. I tried to monetize it by using links into Amazon with an associate ID. I generated a few bucks (literally) but Amazon said it was a search engine and shut me down. I would love to k ow how you get on the main page. There is a book search got there that gets a ton of exposure. But mine is definitely better.
Hi, Tamas! Thank you for responding my question. Happy to hear you’ve acquired paying subscribers. A pre-paid micropayment token based system is exactly what I have in mind. That’s how OpenAI does business (for the most part). Except OpenAI charges for tokens not credits.
I had given up on the idea of monetizing through the openai webapp so I learned how to code, made a website, and translated my custom gpts into Assistants and learned the assistants API. You give me hope that maybe monetization through the OpenAI GPT store is possible, though!
PS: Great GPT! I just tried AILC BioChem GPT out for myself. I registered my email with ya and gave you 5 stars. Cool 3D imaging!
Is anyone selling access to their custom GPT by restricting who it is shared with? So instead of publishing it to the GPT Store, keep the sharing link private and then oly hand it out to paying customers?
That’s an interesting idea. How would you control the access and prevents re-sharing once a user gets the link?