same issue, have the plus membership. i receive the link, but it still forwards me to free wait list
Also running into the same issue as a plus member. It would be nice if they just confirmed this is not “Normal” behavior.
To everyone adding their “me too”, the status site says major outage:
This is what I was looking for, Thank you!
Email login links aren’t working either, it must be the Major Outage issue mentioned above.
Do we get an extra day added to our subscription for the outage? Kind of pointless having to pay if we’re still affected.
Same problem here. I hope this will be resolved quickly.
exactly my point and what is happening is… although I am logged in to this forum, when I click on the email from the PLUS it literally signs me out everywhere. I am not even sure they are watching this forum for problems. There is no one to reach. WHy do they launch a PLUS service and yet not have agents to answer questions or fix issues?
same issue here. Stuck on at capacity page, msged openai, no responses yet
I understand the Major Outage, however that’s on the models themselves not the login. The login should still be working. The major outage I’ld expect it to impact the performance and functionality of the models not the login. However my only other explanation based on past experience is Auth0 which are just plain bad at scaling their infrastructure to meet the growing demands. May I suggest OpenAI, if you now get paid from a subscription model to actually replace your authentication APIs to something that can handle the load? I don’t care that Auth0 was bought by Okta they are still bad especially for what you need. This was fine when the models were not open to public however now it’s a totally different story
right. payed for uninterrupted servces, but am greatly annoyed by the at capacity page. no point of subscribing to chatGPT plus when all users are treated the same
same issue here, waiting for it to come back online
Same here, hopefully there will be some sort of compensation for paid users since we are having the same experience as free users. Maybe early API access?
hmmm I recieve the mail as mentioned before… I see there is some problems … I hope it will be resolved very soon
Ya, I will unsubscribe since we all get the same treatment. The only thing I will miss is the speed in response but if I can spend my days on the capacity page and cannot login as a plus subscriber, I can wait for anything
Same here. I’m blowing money and time into thin air.
Solucionado ya ya pude acceder vayan probando chicos , en mi caso funciona tengo cuenta plus y esta ya normal.
Paid User in the UK. Its almost 10:30AM. few hours already gone in to the working day, especially when you require this to help with your job. I think a daily refund should be implementing like they do with service providers. If your broadband cannot be used you get a refund for the day’s value. Its only fair .
Keep an eye on the status page and relax:
Unable to login with google account.
Error message is
Script execution time exceeded.
Service is still not restored yet…