hello, gpt chat no longer works, I write the instruction, I press Enter and nothing happens, nothing is written, my request does not appear.
UPDATE : Delete ChatGPT cookies, log out if it hasn’t logged you out automatically, then log back in. In my case, it worked
Same thing for me, I use Vivaldi, so I decided to try with Firefox and with Firefox, I got 1 response from ChatGPT and then nothing appeared.
But on the smartphone app, ChatGPT works fine
EDIT: I’ve made a little GIF to show the bug
Are you on ChatGPT Plus ?
I have exactly the same problem. Cleaning cookies and login/logout didn’t work.
In the Chrome DevTools there’s some unreadable error logs.
As the topic starter described, I write anything into prompt input, click “enter” and nothing happens.
I have the same issue. I can’t use ChatGPT for a week now. No matter if I select 3.5 or 4.
Same problem. Thursday it began (i Think) where you have to kill all openai cookies for each prompt. And you had to kill all cookies again for another prompt.
But now, where ChatGPT simply stops reacting and not even the cookietrick works? Thats getting tiresome, fast.
I’ve the same issue for days and the same error messages in the Chrome Dev Console.
Cookies deleted, logged out, Chrome Update, etc.
I’m using Google Chrome Version 122.0.6261.111 on Ubuntu.
Totally broken GPT what a shame, launch then run it into the ground. Unbelievably short story to change the world running one rocket into the ground after another.
ChatGPT 4.o…
Completely broken. Will no longer respond. Started by freezing in the middle of displaying code, then jumped to some completely different code, unrelated to the project, and now has stopped completely.
I now know how to defeat an AI overlord should they ever try to take over the world…
every time I type and I press enter the same words pop up
If I type a question in no information comes back at me.