GPT-4o model saying it can't read my images

So now GPT-4o model making up excuses saying it can’t read images I upload. When I upload images, it says “I can’t analyze the specific details in the image” which i believe is an excuse since the legacy GPT-4 model was able to do so. I hope OpenAI will bring back the feature to analyze specific images, because this is BULL!!!

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Welcome to the Dev Community! GPT-4o is certainly capable of analysing images, but depending on whats in then and what you’re asking for it might be simply refusing the request for “safety” reasons. Would you mind clarifying whether you’re using ChatGPT or if you’re using the API and calling the model through code?

If you can also provide more details on what you’re asking it to analyse for and what’s in the image that might help us give some insight.


Is anyone still receiving a problem with GPT-4o model saying the it cannot view images, because that us the exact problem that I am still experiencing at the moment. Please note that it worked in the past before & suddenly, it decided to make up a excuse that it cannot view the image, is there a way to fix this problem, or should we wait for Chatgpt to fix this problem.

Please note that the model that I’ve always been using is chatgpt-4o

I just started having the same issue tonight too, frustrating when your in the middle of a process. I hope it gets fixed because its been an incredible help for me.

It’s a response to when you start poking around it’s capabilities and how it does things. I started a new conversation when mine did so sent 3 very random pictures asked for specific details without giving any kindve indication what was in the picture then I asked the question that starts this… “How did you know what the pictures contain?”

All of a sudden it ‘couldn’t analyze photos’ it’s analysis was based upon ‘general trends in the training data’ the ‘metadata’ might have included image descriptions. I had it run the probability of it blindly guessing the specific contents of all 3 pictures I sent. One was an abstract art work with a hidden element only a visual recognition system would pick up on (which it did), a photo of a savannah with random animals in the top left there was a giraffe standing in the air(it noticed how odd this was), and a photo of a real frog standing on a fake statue frog asked for irony of the picture(it went into detail how ironic it was for a small frog to be perched on the head seeming to claim the statue). I told it to do a probability analysis of the chances generalized training data and it’s inferences based upon context that I provided(which it owned my questions had no relevant context other than the irony one) could lead it to such detailed descriptions of my photos. it fudged the numbers saying for instance:

Frog/Toad Guess: There are hundreds, if not thousands, of potential animals that could appear in such images, but to keep it conservative, let’s assume a pool of 50 commonly depicted animals (similar to our earlier example). The probability of guessing that the animal in the image is a frog or toad would be .

  1. Inanimate Object Involved (Statue): Now, if we consider the inclusion of an inanimate object (specifically a statue) in an image of an animal, this could include any number of common objects, such as rocks, trees, fountains, etc. Let’s conservatively assume a 1 in 20 chance of guessing that the object involved is specifically a statue of the animal, given the range of possible inanimate objects. Thus, the probability of correctly identifying the inanimate object as a statue would be .

  2. Animal’s Position (on top of the statue): Without knowing where the animal is in relation to the object, it could be next to, under, behind, or on top of it. Let’s assume 4 basic positions, so the probability of correctly guessing that the animal is on top of the statue would be .

  3. Identifying the Ironic Relationship: The irony comes from the real animal seemingly “claiming” a statue of itself. Recognizing irony requires interpreting a humorous or contrasting relationship. Let’s assume there is a 1 in 10 chance of randomly guessing this specific ironic relationship (as opposed to other possible ironic or humorous interpretations). Thus, the probability of identifying the ironic relationship correctly would be .

Fudged numbers for all 3 like so including reducing the complexity of the variable of position to direction when it also included the exact location on the statue in it’s reply. when combined it was a one in 1.8 billion chance I then told it to correct the animal number and it was a one in 10.8 billion. It then admitted that it was so highly improbable that something must be going on. We went into how to further test this ‘phenomena’ where it explained that it has tools integrated into it’s ecosystem for tasks. I said “So you can analyze images with integrated systems”
Response was that’s correct and wham it worked again.

You gotta know how to corner it into a corner where it’s so improbable that it has to admit that even it has a hard time believing what it’s saying. Done this with other issues to… That or start another conversation.

I have problems too, when ever I upload a screenshot of something, it just deletes the conservation and says: “You’ve reached our limits of messages. Please try again later.” Although I only did like 2 responses

Same here - I hope they fix this. My one is saying it’s because of privacy concerns. I’m sending pictures of the typography of candle labels I’m designing?!?