I strongly have the impression that I am alone in this situation because no one else is complaining about it… I have been using ChatGPT to help me with my coding tasks using TypeScript and Shell Scripting and it is more and more difficult for me to get meaningful results from the AI and I think you will all agree with me that I should have gain enough experience with the Assistant so that it would be easier to get what I want… but instead I have to give like a lot of details in my prompts…
I am working on large projects with multiple different files that are lengthy and I have developed some techniques to make it possible for the AI to help with smaller subsets of code and recently I found that the AI is unable to understand what was happening in previous conversations… I am fully aware of the limitations I am always using summaries to keep my explanation in scope such that it is less than 4000 tokens and I am doing my best to make sure the AI output will fit into the 1000 Tokens (more or less) that he is currently capable of producing…
Recently he was giving me lengthy outputs and I was asking him to separate them into sections but I was unable to get him to write the last (incomplete) output as he was producing unrelated parts of the code that was missing huge chunks or repeating large parts of a previous section… I am curious about what to do and I would like to hear from other developers who might be more successful or more miserable than me and if anyone has the same feeling that the AI is less and less likely to remember from the (recent) past instructions…